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Who is `Yugo` in `Yugo-mafia`? A comparative analysis of Serb and Slovene offenders
Logonder, Sanja

The members of organised crime groups from the former Yugoslavia are notorious in Europe for their participation in acts of violence, cruelty, cold-bloodedness, fearlessness, and readiness to use firearms. Even though Yugo-slavia split up in 1991, they are frequently still identified as Yugoslavs - as Yugo-mafia, as Yugoslav gangsters or simply as Yugoslav members of or-ganised crime groups. It is not explicitly said, however, which presently existing countries these people come from - Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bos-nia and Herzegovina, Montenegro or Macedonia.

Therefore the paper examines whether the members of organised crime groups from the territory of the former Yugoslavia in fact bear enough resemblance to be considered as having a common identity. For this reason, the author analyses examples of Slovene and Serbian members of organised crime groups at the time when Slovenia and Serbia were still republics of the former Yugoslavia as well as after the country split up. The author focuses on the comparison of the ways of the members` living and operating, especially of their uses of reputation and violence both at home and abroad. The conclusions are based on various articles, books, television recordings, and on interviews with Slovene experts on organised crime, which the author carried out for the purposes of this paper.

The comparison confirms the differences between the members of organ-ised crime groups from Slovenia and Serbia, including their attitudes to reputation and violence. The author, however, does not offer a definite an-swer on the causes of the differences. To arrive to conclusive answers it would be important to do ethnographic studies on the former Yugoslav nationals engaging in organised crime. On the basis of the established factors of influence the development of organised crime in former Yugoslavia might be predicted and appropriate preventive mechanisms may be developed.


About CCC

The Cross-Border Crime Colloquium is an annual event since 1999. It brings together experts on international organised (economic) crime to discuss the latest developments in empirical research, legislation and law enforcement, with a special geographical focus on Western, Central, and Eastern Europe. The Colloquia aim at building bridges in three respects: between East and West Europe, between scholars and practitioners, and between old and young.
2019Olsztyn, Poland
2021Kongsvinger, Norway (Virtual)
2019Utrecht, the Netherlands
2018Kharkiv, Ukraine
2017Bratislava, Slovakia
2016Newcastle, United Kingdom
2015Prague, Czech Republic
2014Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzeg.
2013Cambridge, United Kingdom
2012Manchester, United Kingdom
2011Tilburg, The Netherlands
2009Ghent, Belgium
2008Beograd, Serbia
2007Prague, Czech Republic
2006Tallinn, Estonia
2005Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzeg.
2004Berlin, Germany
2003Ainring, Germany
2002Ljubljana, Slovenia
2001Bratislava, Slovakia
2000Budapest, Hungary
1999Prague, Czech Republic

The 22nd Cross-border Crime Colloquium will be hosted by the The University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland on 10 and 11 October 2022. We will soon share the agenda and details on how to attend.
For information, please contact
Prof. Dr. Joanna Banach-Gutierrez:
Prof. Dr. Petrus C. van Duyne:

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