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These authors have contributed to the Cross Border Crime one or more volumes.

The vulnerability of economic sectors to (organised) crime: The case of the European road freight transport sector
Vander Beken, Tom; Verpoest, Karen; Bucquoye, Annemie; Defruytier, Melanie
Controlling the flow of money or satisfying the regulators?
Harvey, Jackie
Electronic Payment Systems and Money Laundering: Beyond the Internet Hype
Schudelaro, Ton
The organised crime economy. Managing crime markets in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, Maarten van Dijck, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90 5850 1655, original retail price EUR22,75 (300 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Dijck, Maarten van; Newell, James L.
Focussing in Crime Victims: a Victim Oriented Approach in Handling Juvenile Offenders
Groenhuijsen, Marc
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Measure for measure. Methodological tools for assessing the risk of organised crime
Vander Beken, Tom; Defruytier, Melanie
90 of the Restatement (Second) of Contracts: Recovery on Reliance in American Contract Law
Rosenbrand-Kuyken, Astrid
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An assessment of prospective changes in cross-border crime after Estonia's accession to the European Union
Markina, Anna; Saar, J?ri
Crime and commercial activity. An introduction to two half-brothers
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Organising the nicotine racket. Patterns of criminal coopeartion in the cigarette black market in Germany
Lampe, Klaus von
The creation of a threat image: media, policy making and organised crime
Duyne, Petrus C. van
The Crusaders: Swedish companies in Russia and the Baltic States handling uncertainty and criminal threats
Bagelius, Nils
Adventure capitalism and economic crime in the countries of transition: the case of the Czech Republic
Scheinost, Miroslav; Baloun, Vladimir; Kaderabkova, Drahuse
Organised crime, Norwegian style
Johansen, Per Ole
Criminal sub-contracting in the Netherlands: the Dutch 'koppelbaas' as crime-entrepreneur
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Houtzager, Mark J.
Explaining the emergence of the cigarette black market in Germany
Lampe, Klaus von
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The ecstasy industry in the Netherlands in a global perspective
Blickman, Tom
Drugs and Organised Crime in Bulgaria
Bezlov, Tihomir
Trafficking in Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Maljevic, Almir
Threats and Phantoms of Organised Crime, Corruption and Terrorism; Rhetoric and critical perspectives. Petrus C. van Duyne, Matjaz Jager, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2004, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-077-2, original retail price EUR22,75 (278 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Jager, Matjaz; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Fears, naming and knowing: an introduction
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Measuring Organised Crime. A Critique of Current Approaches
Lampe, Klaus von
Illegal markets, human trade and transnational organised crime
Nikolic-Ristanovic, Vesna
Financial crime in the Czech Republic. Some preliminary findings based on case analysis
Scheinost, Miroslav
Institutional reform and attempts to fight corruption: the Italian case
Newell, James L.
Islamic fundamentalism and Western horror: fear of the other or of oneself?
Diamantides, Nikos
Islamic fundamentalism and Western horror: fear of the other or of oneself?
Persak, Nina
In the quest for essence: the prinicipal agent model of corruption
Jager, Matjaz
Critical analysis of the corpus juris and the green paper from the Slovenian perspective
Sugman, Katja
Criminal Finances and Organising Crime in Europe.Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.)Wolf Legal Publishers, 2003, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-045-4, original retail price EUR24,75 (215 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Foreword: Greasing the organisation of crime in Europe
Duyne, Petrus C. van
The `invisible hand of the market`: the illegal drugs trade in Germany, Italy and Russia
Adamoli, Sabrina
Money laundering policy. Fears and facts
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Following the criminal and terrorist money trails
Levi, Michael
Protecting against money laundering in the Slovak Republic
Stieranka, Josef
Financial crime in the Czech Republic: its features and international extension
Baloun, Vladimir; Scheinost, Miroslav
Precautionary measures against economic and financial crime in SLovakia
Vitek, Jan
The market and criminal law: the case of corruption
Jager, Matjaz
Anti-corruption policies in Ukraine
Osyka, Igor
Political corruption in Italy
Newell, James L.
Economy and crime in the society in transition: the Czech Republic case
Baloun, Vladimir; Scheinost, Miroslav
Crime-entrepreneurs and financial management
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Cross-border Crime in a Changing Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Vincenzo Ruggiero, Miroslav Scheinost, Wim Valkenburg (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, 2001, Huntingdon, New York, ISBN: 1-56072-966-X, price USD 99,00 (246 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C, van; Ruggiero, Vincenzo ; Scheinost, Miroslav ; Valkenburg, Wim
Upperworld and underworld in cross-border crime.Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, Nikos Passas (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2002, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-030-6, original retail price EUR24,75 (206 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Passas, Nikos
Introduction: Upper- and underworld in cross-border cime economy
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Cross-border crime and the interface between legal and illegal actors
Passas, Nikos
New developments in EU policy regarding cross-border crime
Vermeulen, Gert
The protection of the EU financial system from the exploitation of financial centres and offshore jurisdictions by organised crime
Adamoli, Sabrina
Some policy implications of the various patterns of the supply side of the illicit drug market
Jager, Matjaz
The trafficking in untaxed cigarettes in Germany: a case study of the social embeddedness of illegal markets
Lampe, Klaus von
Afterword: organsied crime research in perspective
Lampe, Klaus von
Cross-Border Crime Patterns between Eastern Europe and the European Union
Joutsen, M.
Cross-Border Crime: A relative Concept and Broad Phenomenon
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Transnational Organised Crime and Cross-Border Trafficking in Human Beings in the Czech Republic
Scheinost, Miroslav
The Need for a Multidisciplinary and Practive Approach to Human Trafficking. Reflections from Two Pilots
Ruyver, B. de; Impe, K. van; Meese, J.
Trafficking in Migrants: a European Perspective
Di Nicola, Andrea
Crime Across the Border. Finnish Professional Criminals Taking Advantage of Estonian Crime Opportunities
Junninen, Mika; Aromaa, Kauko
Drug Trafficking in Poland
Krajewski, K.
Organsied Crime Problems in the Ukraine
Osyka, Igor
Credit Crad Fraud in International Perspective
Levi, Michael
Fraud against European Public Funds
Quirke, Brendan
Financial Investigations and Crime-Money
Pheiffer, M.
Facts and Myths about tue So-Called Underground Banking
Passas, Nikos
International Instruments for the Recovery of the Proceeds of Crime
Daams, Claire A.
Organised Crime and Money Laundering. Trends and Countermeasures: a Comparison between Western and Eastern Europe
Adamoli, Sabrina
Extra and Sneaky Legal Evidence in Cross-Border Investigations
Valkenburg, Wim E.C.A
Afterword: Transnational Crime and Transnational Economies
Ruggiero, Vincenzo
Some reflexions on researching financial and economic crime
Scheinost, Miroslav
Comparing data sources on organised crime across the EU. A first step towards an EU statistical apparatus
Vettori, Barbara
The science of assessing organised crime. 4 ways to improve OC reporting in the Netherlands estimated pages: 19
Dijck, Maarten van
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Fighting Money Laundering in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Should We Control Criminals` Sloppiness or Private Sector`s Diligence?
Maljevic, Almir
Economic Crime and Legal Competence in the EU
Quirke, Brendan
Trends in International Organized Crime?
Levi, Mike
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The organisation of business crime
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Organised crime and corruption: the case of the Sicilian mafia
Newell, James L.
Introduction: Counting clouds and measuring organised crime
Duyne, Petrus C. van
The Future of Organized Crime: Dealing with Uncertainty
Wagner, Norbert; Boberg, Martin; Beckmann, Uwe; Schulte, Thomas
The 3rd EU anti-money laundering directive. Main issues and intriguing details
Rietrae, Joeb
The developing EU criminal law and the ultima ratio principle
Sugman, Katja; Jager, Matjaz
Money laundering and the professional sector. Supervision of lawyers and civil-law notaries in the Netherlands - what about professional secrecy?
Tilleman, Andre T.A.
Public sector corruption: lessons to be learned from the Ukrainian experience
Markovska, Anna; Isaeva, Anna
Alcohol; the lazarus of illegal markets. How do they make it?
Johansen, Per Ole
Trafficking in human beings: policy problems and recommendations
Aromaa, Kauko; Lehti, Martti
Cigarette shuffle: organising tobacco tax evasion in the Netherlands
Dijck, Maarten van
Old and new in criminally mobile Europe
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Transnational crime connecting Eastern and Western Europe: Three case studies
Lampe, Klaus von
The illicit movement of people across borders. The UK as a destination country and the disorganisation of criminal activity.
Spencer, Jon
Criminals are not alone. Some observations on the social microcosm of illegal entrepreneurs
Lampe, Klaus von
Criminal finances and state of the art. Case for concern?
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Cigarette black market in Estonia
Markina, Anna
Crime business and cime money in Europe. The dirty linen of illicit enterprise. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Maarten van Dijck, Klaus von Lampe, Jackie Harvey (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2007, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-13: 978-90-5850-305-3, original retail price EUR24,75
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Maljevic, Almir; Dijck, Maarten van; Lampe, Klaus von
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Virtue and Reality: an introductory tale of two cities
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Introduction: Crime-markets are forever. From the criminal mushroom market to the crime-money scenario
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Organised crime research in Europe: development and stagnation
Lampe, Klaus von
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Dilemmas of investigating transnational organised crime in emerging democracies
Dobovsek, Bojan
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Money laundering: possibilities and problems in the law enforcement in Serbia
Nikolic-Ristanovic, Vesna; Copic, Sanja
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In search of crime-money management in Serbia
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Donati, Stefano
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Crime-money records, recovery and their meaning
Harvey, Jackie
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It`s all about the money: shifting responsibilities in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism
Dijck, Maarten van
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EU Fraud and new Member States. The case of the Czech Republic
Brendan Quirk
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Getting the goods to market: Cigarette smuggling and organised crime in the UK
Hornsby, Rob
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Managing a successful organisation of crime
Huisman, Sander
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The cigarette smuggling business in Greece
Antonopoulos, Georgios A.
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The vulnerability of economic markets to crime in 2015
Vander Beken, Tom
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Police corruption through eyes of bribers: The ambivalence of sinners
Datzer, Darko; Maljevic, Almir; Muratbegovic, Elmedin; Budimlic, Muhamed
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Who is `Yugo` in `Yugo-mafia`? A comparative analysis of Serb and Slovene offenders
Logonder, Sanja
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The Practice of penal money laundering control in Germany - Independent versus case based investigations
Kilchling, Michael
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Organised crime in the Czech Republic - legal framework, prosecution and characteristics
Scheinost, Miroslav; Diblikova, Simona
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Media constructing organised crime concepts in an extended criminal Europe: Trafficking women for sexual exploitation
Spencer, Jon
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Ruling human trafficking in the UK and the Ukraine
Markovska, Anna; Moore, Coleen
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Countering Cross-border VAT Fraud. The Bulgarian Experience in an extended Europe
Pashev Konstantin
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Criminal Money Management as a cutting Edge between Profit Oriented Crime and Terrorism. Possible developments until the year 2012 and strategic recommendations.
Schulte, Thomas; Boberg, Martin
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(Transnational) Organised Crime, Laundering and the Congregation of the Gullible - Retirement Speech of Prof. Dr. Petrus C. van Duyne, Tilburg/Den Haag, 14 March 2011 - 11th Colloquium, 2011
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Combating Business Crime in Poland
Bojarski, Janusz; Dijck, Maarten van
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Introduction: crime-money, corruption and the state . Introduction Chapter of Cross-border inroads on integrity in Europe
Duyne, Petrus C. van
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Confiscation of profits and the fight against money laundering. Critical remarks on two financial-oriented crime fighting tools
Buggisch, Walter
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Der Kriminalisierungsprozess ausserhalb nationalstaatlicher Strafgewalt
Capus, Nadja
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Internet s Illegal market Place
Filipkowski, Wojciech
Ecomafias and Waste Entrepreneurs in the Italian Market
Massari, Monica
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Feudalizam u novom . Ogledi o klijentelizmu, korupciji, organizovanom kriminalu i poku?ajima reforme
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Donati, Stefano
Fighting foreign bribery: the stick or the carrot?
Gelemerova, Liliya
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Rules of the Game: A qualitative study of corruption on the Finnish-Russian border
Viuhko, Minna; Lehti, Martti; Aromaa, Kauko
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The first step to a tailor-made anti-corruption policy for public services: The case of the Flemish customs office
Vande Walle, Gudrun; Dormaels, Arne
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Searching for contours of the anti-corruption policy in Serbia
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Todorova, Milena
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Croatia: Fighting EU Fraud: a case of work in progress?
Quirke, Brendan J.
The holy grail of money laundering statistics: Input and outcome of the Belgian AML system
Verhage, Antoinette
Measures against money laundering in Sweden: The role of the private sector
Vesterhav, Daniel
The financial management of drug crime in Sweden
Skinnari, Johanna
Swedish international casinos: A nest of organised crime or just a place for ordinary tax cheaters?
Skinnari, Johanna; Korsell, Lars
Ponzi finance and state capture: The crisis of financial market regulation
Dorn, Nicholas
Lifting the veil on SOCA and the UKHTC: Policymaking responses to organised crime
Spencer, Jon; Broad, Rose
`Organised crime` and productive illegal labour: The economic significance of human smuggling and trafficking in Greece
Papanicolaou, Georgios; Antonopoulos, Georgios
Extortion rackets in Europe: an exploratory comparative study
Caneppele, Stefano; Calderoni, Francesco
Situational Prevention of `Organised Crime`: Preventing phantom conceptions with phantom means?
Lampe, Klaus von
Legal Protection against OLAF: The European fraud watch dog
Glaser, Severin
Sound and Vision. Nigerian Street Entrepreneurs in Greece
Antonopoulos, Georgios; Horsnby, Rob; Hobbs, Dick
The Impact of Corruption on the Rule of Law in Slovenia
Dobovsek, Bojan; Skrbec, Jure
Theorising the Security and Exchange Commission‟s 2010 settlement with Goldman Sachs: Legislative weakness, reintegrative shaming or ?temporary business interruption‟ for financial market power elites?
Dorn, Nicholas; Levi, Michael
Financial investigation and confiscation orders in a broader perspective: developments in Dutch criminal law
Groenhuijsen, Marc S.; Kooijmans, Tijs
The International Anti-Money Laundering Regime: A Bankrupt Policy Desperate for a New Raison D‟?tre
Naylor, Thomas (R.T.)
The Politics of the Zemono Building Cartel on the Sunny Side of the Alps
Jager, Matjaz
Ukrainian underworld: From street gambling games to the game of politics and big business.
Markovska, Anna; Serdyuk, Alexey
Where crime and politics meet: `It`s the culture, stupid!`
Newell, James L.
Human traffickers in Serbia
Nikolic-Ristanovi, Vesna
Bulgaria and EU Fraud: A Case of Better Late Than Never?
Quirke, Brendan; Doig, Alan
The Financial Flows of Transnational Crime. Some Preliminary Empirical Results
Schneider, Friedrich
Organised Crime, the Media and the Sentiments of the Public
Scheinost, Miroslav
Criminal expatriates. British criminals in the Netherlands and Dutch criminals in Spain
Soudijn, Melvin; Huisman, Sander
Destination unknown? Undocumented youngsters in the Netherlands and the organised crime fallacy
Staring, Richard
On `Caligula, the `yes-men` and corruption`: Gendering the organisation against corruption
Vande Walle, Gudrun
Going beyond the confiscation of proceeds from organised crime activi-ties: Stripping away ill-gotten gains from corruption in the enlarged Europe
Vettori, Barbara; Zanella, Marco
The Use of Models in the Study of Organised Crime
Lampe, Klaus von
Money Laundering: Phantoms, Imagery and Facts
Harvey, Jackie
Out of step? Mobility of `itinerant crime groups`
Vander Beken, Tom; Daele, Stijn van
Market regulation and criminal structures in the Bulgarian commercial sex market
Gounev, Philip; Bezlov, Tihomir; Petrunov, Georgi
The `romantics` of the desert. Women smuggling to the Middle East
Siegel, Dina
Trafficking in humans and illegal economy in war and post-war society
Nikolic, Vesna
`Gone in 50 Seconds` The social organisation of the stolen car market in Greece
Antonopoulos, Georgios
Policing criminal money flows: the role of law enforcement - paragons or pariahs?
Harvey, Jackie
The beauty of grey? AML as a risk factor for compliance Officers
Verhage, Antoinette
Brick`s don`t talk. Searching for crime-money in rela estate
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Soudijn, Melvin; Kint, Tessy
Money laundering in the Norwegian securities market. On the conditions of money laundering
Ingvaldsen, Karsten; Larsson, Paul
Romania and the fight against EU fraud: A Balkan success story?
Quirk, Brendan
Discrepancies between anti-corruption legislation and practice in Macedonia
Karadzoski, Mladen
Safety crimes in the enlarged Europe. Between economic and social drivers
Vettori, Barbara
Flesh and Money. Trafficking in Human Beings (digital edition). Petrus C. van Duyne and on Spencer (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers, 2011 Nijmegen (NETH) 260 pages, Publised 05-2011, ISBN (softcover): 9789058506559.
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Spencer, Jon
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The criminal smoke of tobacco policy making. Cigarette smuggling in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne and Georgios A. Antonopoulos (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers, 2011, Nijmegen (NETH), 234 pages, Shipping Weight: 510 gram, ISBN (softcover) : 9780905850476
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.
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Estimating illicit financial flows resulting from drug trafficking and other transnational organized crimes, UNODC, Vienna, 2011
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Back to human criminal size: an introduction
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Fears and forecasts: Notions about future trends in the early phases of the german debate on organised crime revisited
Lampe, Klaus von
Organised crime in the country of transition after twenty years
Scheinost, Miroslav
Migrants and `Organised Crime` in the Greek press: 1991-2011. The politics of representing the `Organised Criminal Other`
Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Papanicolaou, Georgios
European lessons from the Bulgarian Serious Organised Crime Threat Assessment
Rusev, Atanas; Gounev, Philip; Bezlov, Tihomir
The profile of a sample of criminal organisations acting in Spain during the last decade
Gimenez-Salinas, Andrea; Requena Espada, Laura; Corte Ibánez, Luis de la
Learning the ABC's of deceptive practices in banking
Kersmanc, Ciril; Ahtik, Mehta
AML compliance: Rituals of engagement or imprevements in integrity?
Harvey, Jackie; Bosworth-Davies, Rowan; Elliott, Martin
``It`s not like Sainsbury`s! We don`t keep stock of anything.`` How drug dealers mitigate risks
Salinas-Edwards, Michael
Financial crimes and the global financial crisis
Levi, Michael
A critical approach to trade based money laundering
Soudijn, Melvin R.J.
Following the money trail: 'Civil' forefeiture of 'criminal' assets in Ireland
King, Colin
Peculiarities of the illicit enrichment in Romania
Nicolae Radu
Serbian anti-corruption policy: Welcome to Potemkin village?
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Joining the EU: Is corruption a problem from the Turkish perspective?
Omurgonulsen, Ugur
It depends where you stand: Corruption, Turkey and EU accession
Doig, Alan; Quirke, Brendan
Go with the flows of transnational environmental crime: governance of illegal transports of e-waste
Bisschop, Lieselot
Dysfunctional social institutions as an obstacle to tackle crime: Exploring the dilemma of a good Ukrainian policeman
Markovska, Anna; Serdyuk, Alexey
Greed: the deadly sin as red thread ̶ An introduction
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Multinational anti-corruption self-regulation in the pharmaceutical sector: evidence of (in)effectiveness
Anna Di Ronco
Ethics and systemic corruption: assessing ethics policy of Romanian public administration
Radu Nicolae
Shadows of corruption and bribery – Can we see through?
Miroslav Scheinost
Political scandal and anti-corruption debates in Serbia
Marija Zurnić
Analysing media representation of corruption in Ukraine: who is panicking?
Anna Markovska; Alexey Serdyuk
Different manifestations of organised crime and corruption in Italy: a socio-legal analysis
Anita Lavorgna; Anna Sergi
The Multilateral response in tackling the crime – terror nexus: The EU contribution
Daniela Irrera
Reconciling the anti-money laundering compliance duties and the commercial objectives of the bank
AML and the political power weight
Jackie Harvey; Michael Hutchinson; Adam Peacock
Greedy of crime-money. The reality and ethics of asset recovery
Petrus C. van Duyne ; Wouter de Zanger; François H.G. Kristen
Land of opportunities. The illicit trade in cigarettes in the United States
Klaus von Lampe ; Marin Kurti; John Bae
Human trafficking policy making and the politics of international criminal justice. A case study of sexual exploitation
Jon Spencer
The death of the legitimate merchant? Small to medium-size enterprises and shady decisions in Greece during the financial crisis
Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Steve Hall
Inner contradictions of economic crime control
Matjaž Jager; Katja Šugman Stubbs
Bestiarum vocabulum of economic crime: excerpts from the Slovene volume 1996-2010
Ciril Keršmanc
Boom and bust in financial and housing markets: re-readings through Schumpeter and Bourdieu
Nicholas Dorn
The Moral Relativity Pride Parade: an introduction
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Black, grey or white? Finding the new shade of corruption in Ukraine
Markovski, Anna; Serduyk, Alexey
Mafia and politics as concurrent governance actors
Sergi, Anna
Organised crime in post-war Kosovo: Local concerns vs. international responses?
Proksik, Joschka J.
Legal responses to organised crime in Ireland: Erosion of due process values
King, Colin
From organised crime threat to nuisance control
Duyne, Petruc C. van; Vorm, Benny van der
The tides of thoughts and policy on the assessment of organised crime in Belgium
Vander Beken, Tom; Janssen, Jelle
Cigarette smuggling at the local level through smugglers’ eyes: How and why?
Vujović, Srđan
The link between poverty and crime
Lampe, Klaus von; Johnson, Jacqueline
‘License to pill’, Illegal entrepreneurs’ tactics in the online trade of medicines
Hall, Alexandra; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.
Codes of ethics in the Italian professional football
Lavorgna, Anita; Di Ronco, Anna
Anti-money laundering policy: a response to the activity of criminals or of agencies?
Harvey, Jackie; Ashton, Simon
Criminal insolvency abuse in Slovenia
Zgaga, Sabina
Criminal responsibility of political parties for economic crime: Democracy on test
Vidlička, Sunčana Roksandić; Maršavelski, Aleksandar
OLAF: The watchdog that sometimes barks. But does it always bite?
Quirke, Brendan
Introduction: crime narratives and their narrators
Petrus C. van Duyne
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What does corruption mean in a transition country? Political scandal of the Port of Belgrade
Marija Zurnić
The Criminal Entrepreneur: a case study of an organised criminal family
Jackie Harvey; Rob Hornsby
Enforcing prohibitions in weak states: Gambling in Ukrain
Anna Markovska; Yuliya Zabyelina
Russian organised crime and criminal economy. 95 years of history
Illona Karpanos
Organised crime in the UK: Presentations and realities
Peter Sproat
Exploring the cyber-organised crime narrative: The hunt for a new bogeyman?
Anita Lavorgna
Healthcare corruption - patterns and vulnerabilities in Romania
Radu Nicolae
“Three Tales / Two Threats”. Prosecutors in Italy, England and the United States narrate national and transnational organised crime
Anna Sergi
The role of the German foreign intelligence service BND in fighting organised crime
Klaus von Lampe
Investment and long firm fraud. Local and cross-border
Petrus C. van Duyne; Alan Kapki
Czech organised economic crime: some characteristic cases
Miroslav Scheinost
A comparison of English language online media coverage of Czech and Portuguese drug decriminalisation
Kathryn Gudmunson
The many Faces of Crime for Profit and Ways of Tackling it Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Wolf Legal Publishers 2017 Oisterwijk (NETH),ISBN: 9789462404366 (445 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Jackie Harvey; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Klaus von Lampe
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Malta and the fight against EU Fraud: Is it a Maltese Cross?
Brendan J. Quirke
Compliance duties and bankers at work. Coping with tensions
Mihaela Sandulescu
Scary monsters. The bikers: a moral panic?
Paul Larsson
Introduction: Truths and the many faces of crime
Petrus C. van Duyne
s there a continuing problem with corruption? Deviant trajectories, competing agendas and state development
Alan Doig
Corruption mechanisms, actors and significance for human trafficking: Evidence from Bulgaria
Nadya Stoynova
Corrupt practices in Greek football: Are they inevitable?
Argyro Elisavet Manoli; Georgios A. Antonopoulos
Banking in Ukraine: The self-created monster of the financial industry?
Anna Markovska ; Alexey Serduyk
The 2008 financial crisis and financial crime - a critial analysis of the response in the United States
Nicholas Ryder
The offshore world: nebulous finances
Petrus C. van Duyne; Tjalling J. van Koningsveld 1
International legal and quasi-legal approaches to combating money laundering: an Australian perspective on norm-development
Doron Goldbarsht; Christopher Michaelsen
Self-protecting in organisational life: a case study of Money Laundering Reporting Officers
Abdullahi U. Bello
Cannabis cultivation in the Tilburg area: How much money is involved and Where does it go?
Toine Spapens
How ‘organised’ is organised crime in Scotland
Kenneth Murray
Organised crime and cybercrime in Romania 2
Radu Nicolae
Fraud victims or unwary accomplices? An exploratory study of online communities supporting quack medicine
Anita Lavorgna; Anna Di Ronco
Trafficked, smuggled or exploited. Ignore the labels, they all involve abuse
Rob Hornsby; Jackie Harvey; Deborah Booth
The criminalisation of legal prostitution – the Dutch Zandpad case
Dina Siegel
German-Polish cross-border Police cooperation: A brief overview
Klaus von Lampe ; Aleksandra Zurakowska
A ‘virtuous circle’ of illicit markets? Smuggling and colonial state building in the Italian interwar Dodecanese
Georgios Papanicolaou ; Filippo Espinoza
The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo: a capsized flagship?
Joschka J. Proksik
Introduction: the multiple meaning of the Janus face in crime
Duyne, Petrus C. van;
Transnational crime of Chinese origin in the EU: False flags and real concerns
Jurij Novak
The perspective of constructing and organising crime in Europe: an introduction
Petrus C. van Duyne
Constructing migrants as crime and public order problems: comparing local press representations in two Italian cities
Anna Di Ronco; Anita Lavorgna
“Government-sponsored crime”: The case of Vietnamese undocumented immigrants in Germany and the UK
Trang, Nyugen
Human smuggling reconsidered: the case of Lesbos and real concerns
Dina Siegel
Market dynamics of harm and labour exploitation and real concerns
Jonathan Davies
From harmless incivilities to not-so serious organised crime activities. The expanded realm of European crime prevention and some suggestions on how to limit it
Anna Di Ronco; Anna Sergi
Hierarchy, strategic assets and distinctive capabilities in Scottish organised crime
Kenneth Murray
How well established is research on organised crime in Germany?
Klaus von Lampe; susanne Knickmeier
Changing face of organised crime or old and new usual suspects in the Czech Republic
Miroslav Scheinost
Cerca Trova: the Italian mafia on Dutch territory
Toine Spapens
Do firearms link organised crime and terrorism in the Netherlands? A Social Network Analysis exploration
Niels van Wanrooij; Saraď Sapulete
Corruption in the daily life of Ukraine
Anna Markovska; Alexey Serdyuk; Petrus C. van Duyne; Konstantin Bugaychuk
Police reform in Ukraine. A reconnaissance of perceptions
Igor Sviatokum; Alexey Serdyuk; Petrus C. van Duyne
Assessing the outcomes of anti-money laundering policies. Ambitions and reality
Brigitte Slot; Linette de Swart
Moldova: Small country – big problem! Corruption and a mono-garchy
Petrus C. van Duyne; Brendan Quirke
Is corporate social responsibility anything more than a 417 mask for multinational (oil) companies?
Matjaž Jager; Ciril Keršmanc; Katja Šugman Stubbs
The Janus-faced victimisation in human smuggling and human trafficking
Herkes, Gwen;
The emergency business. Migrants reception, mafia interests and glocal governance: from Lampedusa to Rome.
Orsini, Giacomo; Sergi, Anna;
Illegal migration, crime and the public response in the Czech Republic
Scheinost, Miroslav;
The role of the Internet in the process of trafficking humans in the UK
Diba, Parisa; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Papanicolaou, Georgios;
The role of Vietnamese criminal networks in drug crime. The Czech Republic case
Nozina, Miroslav;
On the persistence of an open illegal market: Explaining the continued existence of street-vending of contraband cigarettes in Berlin since 1990
Nguyen, Trang; Lampe, Klaus von;
The normalisation of arms trafficking in times of conflict: the Ukrainian experience
Markovska, Anna; Serdyuk, Alexey;
Panama papers, Paradise documents and the Slovene state in the global competitiveness race
Jager, Matjaž ;
The crusade for purity: Corruption and laundering the global competitiveness race
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie H.; Gelemerova, Liliya Y.;
Opacity of business ownership and the risk of money laundering
Riccardi, Michele; Milani, Riccardo;
VAT fraud committed in the Slovak Republic in context of the European Union
Strémy, Tomáš; Hangáčová, Natália; Kotovský, Martin;
Italian strategies against the infiltration of the criminal organisation in the economy
Maugeri, Anna Maria ;
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Organised crime legislation in Romania: A case of policy transference?
Neag, Alexandra
Russian Organised Crime in Europe
Siegel, Dina
The Wild East: An introduction to organised crime in Siberia
Novak, Jurij; Kravtsov, Roman Vladimirovich
Corruption and oligarchy in Ukraine: The tenacity of a problem
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Svyatokum, Igor
Organised crime’s lawyers, from lawful defence to the ‘bridge function’: The case of the Sicilian Mafia
Ingrascě, Ombretta
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: A research agenda to investigate organised crime in seaports
Sergi, Anna
A policy in search of an evidence base and a credible means of implementation?
Doig, Alan; Sproat, Peter
Illegal trade in protected birds in the Netherlands: Three criminological perspectives
Uhm, Daan van; Spapens, Toine
Human smuggling to Italy through the Libyan coasts perspectives
Becucci, Stefano
Assessing the operation of irregular migration from Eritrea and the smuggling / criminality nexus perspectives
Whittle, Joseph; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.
Organised forms of illegal migration: The case of Poland’s borders
Perkowska, Magdalena
Twenty-five years of legislation and law enforcement against money laundering in Germany: Facts and opinions
Hartmann, Arthur
Preventive AML in the UK property market: Inside views from the sector
Zavoli, Ilaria; King, Colin
Money laundering schemes through real estate markets: A systematic review sector
Sclafani, Emanuele; Lavorgna, Anita
Law enforcement and money laundering: Big data is coming sector
Soudijn, M.R.J.; Been, W.H.J de
Why do we know so little about illicit trade in cultural goods? An analysis of obstacles to collecting reliable data sector
Batura, Olga; Hoog, Gabriëlle op `t; Wanrooij, Niels van
Old dogs, new tricks: The use of technology by Italian archaeological looters
Balcells, Marc
The rocker phenomenon in Germany: Perceptions and government responses to outlaw bikers in an historical perspective
Heitmüller, Ulrike; Lampe, Klaus von
The retribution of the Erinyes: Combatting outlaw motorcycle gangs from the perspective of ‘undermining’ criminality
Vorm, Benny van der; Duyne, Petrus C. van
Betwixt and between: Examining the evolution of the crime-terror nexus
Raets, Sigrid; Janssens, Jelle

Abdullahi U. Bello
Self-protecting in organisational life: a case study of Money Laundering Reporting Officers
Abdullahi U. Bello

Adam Peacock
AML and the political power weight
Jackie Harvey; Michael Hutchinson; Adam Peacock

Adamoli, Sabrina
The `invisible hand of the market`: the illegal drugs trade in Germany, Italy and Russia
Adamoli, Sabrina
The protection of the EU financial system from the exploitation of financial centres and offshore jurisdictions by organised crime
Adamoli, Sabrina
Organised Crime and Money Laundering. Trends and Countermeasures: a Comparison between Western and Eastern Europe
Adamoli, Sabrina

Ahtik, Mehta
Learning the ABC's of deceptive practices in banking
Kersmanc, Ciril; Ahtik, Mehta

Alan Doig
s there a continuing problem with corruption? Deviant trajectories, competing agendas and state development
Alan Doig

Alan Kapki
Investment and long firm fraud. Local and cross-border
Petrus C. van Duyne; Alan Kapki

Aleksandra Zurakowska
German-Polish cross-border Police cooperation: A brief overview
Klaus von Lampe ; Aleksandra Zurakowska

Alexey Serduyk
Banking in Ukraine: The self-created monster of the financial industry?
Anna Markovska ; Alexey Serduyk

Alexey Serdyuk
Analysing media representation of corruption in Ukraine: who is panicking?
Anna Markovska; Alexey Serdyuk
Constructing and Organising Crime in Europe Petrus C. van Duyne, Alexey Serdyuk, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Published by Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Published, sold and distributed by Eleven International Publishing (NETH), 2019, ISBN: ISBN 978-94-6236-955-9 ISBN 978-94-6274-553-7 (E-book) (427 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Alexey Serdyuk; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
Corruption in the daily life of Ukraine
Anna Markovska; Alexey Serdyuk; Petrus C. van Duyne; Konstantin Bugaychuk
Police reform in Ukraine. A reconnaissance of perceptions
Igor Sviatokum; Alexey Serdyuk; Petrus C. van Duyne

Almir Maljevic
The relativity of wrongdoing: Corruption, organised crime, fraud and money laundering in perspective. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2014 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: ISBN: 978-94-6240-228-7, (374 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Almir Maljevic; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper

Anita Lavorgna
Different manifestations of organised crime and corruption in Italy: a socio-legal analysis
Anita Lavorgna; Anna Sergi
Exploring the cyber-organised crime narrative: The hunt for a new bogeyman?
Anita Lavorgna
Fraud victims or unwary accomplices? An exploratory study of online communities supporting quack medicine
Anita Lavorgna; Anna Di Ronco
Constructing migrants as crime and public order problems: comparing local press representations in two Italian cities
Anna Di Ronco; Anita Lavorgna

Anna Di Ronco
Multinational anti-corruption self-regulation in the pharmaceutical sector: evidence of (in)effectiveness
Anna Di Ronco
Fraud victims or unwary accomplices? An exploratory study of online communities supporting quack medicine
Anita Lavorgna; Anna Di Ronco
Constructing migrants as crime and public order problems: comparing local press representations in two Italian cities
Anna Di Ronco; Anita Lavorgna
From harmless incivilities to not-so serious organised crime activities. The expanded realm of European crime prevention and some suggestions on how to limit it
Anna Di Ronco; Anna Sergi

Anna Markovska
Corruption, greed and crime-money. Sleaze and shady economy in Europe and beyond. Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Almir Maljević,Anna Markovska (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2014 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 978-94-6240-128-0, (414 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Lampe, Klaus von; Anna Markovska
click here to read the summary of this paper
Analysing media representation of corruption in Ukraine: who is panicking?
Anna Markovska; Alexey Serdyuk
Enforcing prohibitions in weak states: Gambling in Ukrain
Anna Markovska; Yuliya Zabyelina
Corruption in the daily life of Ukraine
Anna Markovska; Alexey Serdyuk; Petrus C. van Duyne; Konstantin Bugaychuk

Anna Markovska
Banking in Ukraine: The self-created monster of the financial industry?
Anna Markovska ; Alexey Serduyk

Anna Sergi
Different manifestations of organised crime and corruption in Italy: a socio-legal analysis
Anita Lavorgna; Anna Sergi
“Three Tales / Two Threats”. Prosecutors in Italy, England and the United States narrate national and transnational organised crime
Anna Sergi
From harmless incivilities to not-so serious organised crime activities. The expanded realm of European crime prevention and some suggestions on how to limit it
Anna Di Ronco; Anna Sergi

Antonopoulos, Georgios
`Organised crime` and productive illegal labour: The economic significance of human smuggling and trafficking in Greece
Papanicolaou, Georgios; Antonopoulos, Georgios
Usual and unusual organising criminals in Europe and beyond. Profitable crimes, from underworld to upper world. Liber amicorum Petrus C. van Duyne. Georgios Antonopoulos, Marc Groenhuijsen, Jackie Harvey, Tijs Kooijmans, Almir Maljevic & Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Maklu Uitgevers nv, Antwerpen 2011, 314 pages, ISBN: 9789046604298, original rtail price EUR 62.00
Antonopoulos, Georgios; Groenhuijsen, Marc; Harvey, Jackie; Kooijmans,Tijs; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper
Sound and Vision. Nigerian Street Entrepreneurs in Greece
Antonopoulos, Georgios; Horsnby, Rob; Hobbs, Dick
`Gone in 50 Seconds` The social organisation of the stolen car market in Greece
Antonopoulos, Georgios

Antonopoulos, Georgios A.
Cross-border crime inroads on integrity in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Almir Maljevic, Jackie Harvey, Tom Vander Beken, Klaus von Lamp, (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2010, Nijmegen (NETH), 10th Colloquium, 2010 , 417 pages, Published: 11-2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058505774, original retail price EUR 32,50
Duyne, Petrus C. van ; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Maljevic, Almir; Harvey, Jackie ; Vander Beken, Tom
click here to read the summary of this paper
The cigarette smuggling business in Greece
Antonopoulos, Georgios A.
click here to read the summary of this paper
The criminal smoke of tobacco policy making. Cigarette smuggling in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne and Georgios A. Antonopoulos (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers, 2011, Nijmegen (NETH), 234 pages, Shipping Weight: 510 gram, ISBN (softcover) : 9780905850476
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.
click here to read the summary of this paper
Human dimensions in organised crime, money laundering and corruption. Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Almir Maljević, Jon Spencer (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2013 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 978-90-5850-983-3 (450 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Lampe, Klaus von; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper
Migrants and `Organised Crime` in the Greek press: 1991-2011. The politics of representing the `Organised Criminal Other`
Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Papanicolaou, Georgios
Corruption, greed and crime-money. Sleaze and shady economy in Europe and beyond. Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Almir Maljević,Anna Markovska (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2014 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 978-94-6240-128-0, (414 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Lampe, Klaus von; Anna Markovska
click here to read the summary of this paper
‘License to pill’, Illegal entrepreneurs’ tactics in the online trade of medicines
Hall, Alexandra; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.
The Janos-faces of cross-border crime in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Tomáš Strémy, Jackie H. Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Eleven Publishing 2018 Portland (US),ISBN: 978‐94‐6236‐871‐2 (348 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Strémy, Tomáš ; Harvey, Jackie H.; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
The role of the Internet in the process of trafficking humans in the UK
Diba, Parisa; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Papanicolaou, Georgios;
Criminal defiance in Europe and beyond. From organised crime to crime-terror nexus. Petrus C. van Duyne, Dina Siegel, Jackie H. Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Eleven Publishing 2020 Portland (US),ISBN: 978‐94‐6236‐163‐8 (550 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Dina Siegel; Harvey, Jackie H.; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
Assessing the operation of irregular migration from Eritrea and the smuggling / criminality nexus perspectives
Whittle, Joseph; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.

Antonopoulos, Georgios A.
Cross-border crime inroads on integrity in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Almir Maljevic, Jackie Harvey, Tom Vander Beken, Klaus von Lamp, (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2010, Nijmegen (NETH), 10th Colloquium, 2010 , 417 pages, Published: 11-2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058505774, original retail price EUR 32,50
Duyne, Petrus C. van ; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Maljevic, Almir; Harvey, Jackie ; Vander Beken, Tom
click here to read the summary of this paper
The cigarette smuggling business in Greece
Antonopoulos, Georgios A.
click here to read the summary of this paper
The criminal smoke of tobacco policy making. Cigarette smuggling in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne and Georgios A. Antonopoulos (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers, 2011, Nijmegen (NETH), 234 pages, Shipping Weight: 510 gram, ISBN (softcover) : 9780905850476
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.
click here to read the summary of this paper
Human dimensions in organised crime, money laundering and corruption. Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Almir Maljević, Jon Spencer (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2013 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 978-90-5850-983-3 (450 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Lampe, Klaus von; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper
Migrants and `Organised Crime` in the Greek press: 1991-2011. The politics of representing the `Organised Criminal Other`
Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Papanicolaou, Georgios
Corruption, greed and crime-money. Sleaze and shady economy in Europe and beyond. Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Almir Maljević,Anna Markovska (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2014 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 978-94-6240-128-0, (414 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Lampe, Klaus von; Anna Markovska
click here to read the summary of this paper
‘License to pill’, Illegal entrepreneurs’ tactics in the online trade of medicines
Hall, Alexandra; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.
The Janos-faces of cross-border crime in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Tomáš Strémy, Jackie H. Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Eleven Publishing 2018 Portland (US),ISBN: 978‐94‐6236‐871‐2 (348 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Strémy, Tomáš ; Harvey, Jackie H.; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
The role of the Internet in the process of trafficking humans in the UK
Diba, Parisa; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Papanicolaou, Georgios;
Criminal defiance in Europe and beyond. From organised crime to crime-terror nexus. Petrus C. van Duyne, Dina Siegel, Jackie H. Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Eleven Publishing 2020 Portland (US),ISBN: 978‐94‐6236‐163‐8 (550 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Dina Siegel; Harvey, Jackie H.; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
Assessing the operation of irregular migration from Eritrea and the smuggling / criminality nexus perspectives
Whittle, Joseph; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.

Argyro Elisavet Manoli
Corrupt practices in Greek football: Are they inevitable?
Argyro Elisavet Manoli; Georgios A. Antonopoulos

Aromaa, Kauko
Crime Across the Border. Finnish Professional Criminals Taking Advantage of Estonian Crime Opportunities
Junninen, Mika; Aromaa, Kauko
Trafficking in human beings: policy problems and recommendations
Aromaa, Kauko; Lehti, Martti
Rules of the Game: A qualitative study of corruption on the Finnish-Russian border
Viuhko, Minna; Lehti, Martti; Aromaa, Kauko
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Ashton, Simon
Anti-money laundering policy: a response to the activity of criminals or of agencies?
Harvey, Jackie; Ashton, Simon

Bagelius, Nils
The Crusaders: Swedish companies in Russia and the Baltic States handling uncertainty and criminal threats
Bagelius, Nils

Balcells, Marc
Old dogs, new tricks: The use of technology by Italian archaeological looters
Balcells, Marc

Baloun, Vladimir
Adventure capitalism and economic crime in the countries of transition: the case of the Czech Republic
Scheinost, Miroslav; Baloun, Vladimir; Kaderabkova, Drahuse
Financial crime in the Czech Republic: its features and international extension
Baloun, Vladimir; Scheinost, Miroslav
Economy and crime in the society in transition: the Czech Republic case
Baloun, Vladimir; Scheinost, Miroslav

Batura, Olga
Why do we know so little about illicit trade in cultural goods? An analysis of obstacles to collecting reliable data sector
Batura, Olga; Hoog, Gabriëlle op `t; Wanrooij, Niels van

Beckmann, Uwe
The Future of Organized Crime: Dealing with Uncertainty
Wagner, Norbert; Boberg, Martin; Beckmann, Uwe; Schulte, Thomas

Becucci, Stefano
Human smuggling to Italy through the Libyan coasts perspectives
Becucci, Stefano

Been, W.H.J de
Law enforcement and money laundering: Big data is coming sector
Soudijn, M.R.J.; Been, W.H.J de

Bezlov, Tihomir
Drugs and Organised Crime in Bulgaria
Bezlov, Tihomir
Market regulation and criminal structures in the Bulgarian commercial sex market
Gounev, Philip; Bezlov, Tihomir; Petrunov, Georgi
European lessons from the Bulgarian Serious Organised Crime Threat Assessment
Rusev, Atanas; Gounev, Philip; Bezlov, Tihomir

Bisschop, Lieselot
Go with the flows of transnational environmental crime: governance of illegal transports of e-waste
Bisschop, Lieselot

Blickman, Tom
The ecstasy industry in the Netherlands in a global perspective
Blickman, Tom

Boberg, Martin
The Future of Organized Crime: Dealing with Uncertainty
Wagner, Norbert; Boberg, Martin; Beckmann, Uwe; Schulte, Thomas
Criminal Money Management as a cutting Edge between Profit Oriented Crime and Terrorism. Possible developments until the year 2012 and strategic recommendations.
Schulte, Thomas; Boberg, Martin
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Bojarski, Janusz
Combating Business Crime in Poland
Bojarski, Janusz; Dijck, Maarten van
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Bosworth-Davies, Rowan
AML compliance: Rituals of engagement or imprevements in integrity?
Harvey, Jackie; Bosworth-Davies, Rowan; Elliott, Martin

Brendan J. Quirke
Malta and the fight against EU Fraud: Is it a Maltese Cross?
Brendan J. Quirke

Brendan Quirk
EU Fraud and new Member States. The case of the Czech Republic
Brendan Quirk
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Brendan Quirke
Moldova: Small country – big problem! Corruption and a mono-garchy
Petrus C. van Duyne; Brendan Quirke

Brigitte Slot
Assessing the outcomes of anti-money laundering policies. Ambitions and reality
Brigitte Slot; Linette de Swart

Broad, Rose
Lifting the veil on SOCA and the UKHTC: Policymaking responses to organised crime
Spencer, Jon; Broad, Rose

Bucquoye, Annemie
The vulnerability of economic sectors to (organised) crime: The case of the European road freight transport sector
Vander Beken, Tom; Verpoest, Karen; Bucquoye, Annemie; Defruytier, Melanie

Budimlic, Muhamed
Police corruption through eyes of bribers: The ambivalence of sinners
Datzer, Darko; Maljevic, Almir; Muratbegovic, Elmedin; Budimlic, Muhamed
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Buggisch, Walter
Confiscation of profits and the fight against money laundering. Critical remarks on two financial-oriented crime fighting tools
Buggisch, Walter
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Calderoni, Francesco
Extortion rackets in Europe: an exploratory comparative study
Caneppele, Stefano; Calderoni, Francesco

Caneppele, Stefano
Extortion rackets in Europe: an exploratory comparative study
Caneppele, Stefano; Calderoni, Francesco

Capus, Nadja
Der Kriminalisierungsprozess ausserhalb nationalstaatlicher Strafgewalt
Capus, Nadja
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Christopher Michaelsen
International legal and quasi-legal approaches to combating money laundering: an Australian perspective on norm-development
Doron Goldbarsht; Christopher Michaelsen

Ciril Keršmanc
Bestiarum vocabulum of economic crime: excerpts from the Slovene volume 1996-2010
Ciril Keršmanc
Is corporate social responsibility anything more than a 417 mask for multinational (oil) companies?
Matjaž Jager; Ciril Keršmanc; Katja Šugman Stubbs

Copic, Sanja
Money laundering: possibilities and problems in the law enforcement in Serbia
Nikolic-Ristanovic, Vesna; Copic, Sanja
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Corte Ibánez, Luis de la
The profile of a sample of criminal organisations acting in Spain during the last decade
Gimenez-Salinas, Andrea; Requena Espada, Laura; Corte Ibánez, Luis de la

Daams, Claire A.
International Instruments for the Recovery of the Proceeds of Crime
Daams, Claire A.

Daele, Stijn van
Out of step? Mobility of `itinerant crime groups`
Vander Beken, Tom; Daele, Stijn van

Daniela Irrera
The Multilateral response in tackling the crime – terror nexus: The EU contribution
Daniela Irrera

Datzer, Darko
Police corruption through eyes of bribers: The ambivalence of sinners
Datzer, Darko; Maljevic, Almir; Muratbegovic, Elmedin; Budimlic, Muhamed
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Deborah Booth
Trafficked, smuggled or exploited. Ignore the labels, they all involve abuse
Rob Hornsby; Jackie Harvey; Deborah Booth

Defruytier, Melanie
The vulnerability of economic sectors to (organised) crime: The case of the European road freight transport sector
Vander Beken, Tom; Verpoest, Karen; Bucquoye, Annemie; Defruytier, Melanie
Measure for measure. Methodological tools for assessing the risk of organised crime
Vander Beken, Tom; Defruytier, Melanie

Di Nicola, Andrea
Trafficking in Migrants: a European Perspective
Di Nicola, Andrea

Di Ronco, Anna
Codes of ethics in the Italian professional football
Lavorgna, Anita; Di Ronco, Anna

Diamantides, Nikos
Islamic fundamentalism and Western horror: fear of the other or of oneself?
Diamantides, Nikos

Diba, Parisa
The role of the Internet in the process of trafficking humans in the UK
Diba, Parisa; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Papanicolaou, Georgios;

Diblikova, Simona
Organised crime in the Czech Republic - legal framework, prosecution and characteristics
Scheinost, Miroslav; Diblikova, Simona
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Dijck, Maarten van
The organised crime economy. Managing crime markets in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, Maarten van Dijck, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90 5850 1655, original retail price EUR22,75 (300 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Dijck, Maarten van; Newell, James L.
The organisation of crime for profit. Conduct law and measurement. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Maarten van Dijck, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-10: 90 5850 220-1, ISBN-13: 978-90-5850-220-9, original retail price EUR24,75 (205 pages, paperback)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Maljevic, Almir; Dijck, Maarten van; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Organised Crime is... Findings from a cross-national review of literature
Lampe, Klaus von; Dijck, Maarten van; Hornsby, Rob; Markina, Anna; Verpoest, Karen
Cigarette shuffle: organising tobacco tax evasion in the Netherlands
Dijck, Maarten van
Crime business and cime money in Europe. The dirty linen of illicit enterprise. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Maarten van Dijck, Klaus von Lampe, Jackie Harvey (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2007, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-13: 978-90-5850-305-3, original retail price EUR24,75
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Maljevic, Almir; Dijck, Maarten van; Lampe, Klaus von
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It`s all about the money: shifting responsibilities in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism
Dijck, Maarten van
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Combating Business Crime in Poland
Bojarski, Janusz; Dijck, Maarten van
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Dijck, Maarten van
The organised crime economy. Managing crime markets in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, Maarten van Dijck, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90 5850 1655, original retail price EUR22,75 (300 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Dijck, Maarten van; Newell, James L.
The organisation of crime for profit. Conduct law and measurement. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Maarten van Dijck, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-10: 90 5850 220-1, ISBN-13: 978-90-5850-220-9, original retail price EUR24,75 (205 pages, paperback)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Maljevic, Almir; Dijck, Maarten van; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Organised Crime is... Findings from a cross-national review of literature
Lampe, Klaus von; Dijck, Maarten van; Hornsby, Rob; Markina, Anna; Verpoest, Karen
Cigarette shuffle: organising tobacco tax evasion in the Netherlands
Dijck, Maarten van
Crime business and cime money in Europe. The dirty linen of illicit enterprise. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Maarten van Dijck, Klaus von Lampe, Jackie Harvey (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2007, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-13: 978-90-5850-305-3, original retail price EUR24,75
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Maljevic, Almir; Dijck, Maarten van; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
It`s all about the money: shifting responsibilities in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism
Dijck, Maarten van
click here to read the summary of this paper
Combating Business Crime in Poland
Bojarski, Janusz; Dijck, Maarten van
click here to read the summary of this paper

Dina Siegel
The criminalisation of legal prostitution – the Dutch Zandpad case
Dina Siegel
Human smuggling reconsidered: the case of Lesbos and real concerns
Dina Siegel
Criminal defiance in Europe and beyond. From organised crime to crime-terror nexus. Petrus C. van Duyne, Dina Siegel, Jackie H. Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Eleven Publishing 2020 Portland (US),ISBN: 978‐94‐6236‐163‐8 (550 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Dina Siegel; Harvey, Jackie H.; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper

Dobovsek, Bojan
The Impact of Corruption on the Rule of Law in Slovenia
Dobovsek, Bojan; Skrbec, Jure

Doig, Alan
Bulgaria and EU Fraud: A Case of Better Late Than Never?
Quirke, Brendan; Doig, Alan
It depends where you stand: Corruption, Turkey and EU accession
Doig, Alan; Quirke, Brendan
A policy in search of an evidence base and a credible means of implementation?
Doig, Alan; Sproat, Peter

Donati, Stefano
In search of crime-money management in Serbia
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Donati, Stefano
click here to read the summary of this paper
Feudalizam u novom . Ogledi o klijentelizmu, korupciji, organizovanom kriminalu i poku?ajima reforme
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Donati, Stefano
Crime, Money and Criminal Mobility in Europe
Petrus C. van Duyne, Stefano Donati, Jackie Harvey, Almir Maljevic and Klaus von Lampe (Eds.), 406 pages, Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen 2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058504777, original retail price EUR 32.50; Duyne, Petrus C. van; Donati, Stefano; Harvey, Jackie; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper

Dormaels, Arne
The first step to a tailor-made anti-corruption policy for public services: The case of the Flemish customs office
Vande Walle, Gudrun; Dormaels, Arne
click here to read the summary of this paper

Dorn, Nicholas
Theorising the Security and Exchange Commission‟s 2010 settlement with Goldman Sachs: Legislative weakness, reintegrative shaming or ?temporary business interruption‟ for financial market power elites?
Dorn, Nicholas; Levi, Michael

Dorn, Nicholas
Ponzi finance and state capture: The crisis of financial market regulation
Dorn, Nicholas

Doron Goldbarsht
International legal and quasi-legal approaches to combating money laundering: an Australian perspective on norm-development
Doron Goldbarsht; Christopher Michaelsen

Duyne, Petruc C. van
From organised crime threat to nuisance control
Duyne, Petruc C. van; Vorm, Benny van der

Duyne, Petrus C, van
Cross-border Crime in a Changing Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Vincenzo Ruggiero, Miroslav Scheinost, Wim Valkenburg (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, 2001, Huntingdon, New York, ISBN: 1-56072-966-X, price USD 99,00 (246 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C, van; Ruggiero, Vincenzo ; Scheinost, Miroslav ; Valkenburg, Wim

Duyne, Petrus C. van
The organised crime economy. Managing crime markets in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, Maarten van Dijck, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90 5850 1655, original retail price EUR22,75 (300 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Dijck, Maarten van; Newell, James L.
Crime and commercial activity. An introduction to two half-brothers
Duyne, Petrus C. van
The creation of a threat image: media, policy making and organised crime
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Criminal sub-contracting in the Netherlands: the Dutch 'koppelbaas' as crime-entrepreneur
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Houtzager, Mark J.
Threats and Phantoms of Organised Crime, Corruption and Terrorism; Rhetoric and critical perspectives. Petrus C. van Duyne, Matjaz Jager, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2004, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-077-2, original retail price EUR22,75 (278 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Jager, Matjaz; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Fears, naming and knowing: an introduction
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Criminal Finances and Organising Crime in Europe.Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.)Wolf Legal Publishers, 2003, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-045-4, original retail price EUR24,75 (215 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Foreword: Greasing the organisation of crime in Europe
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Money laundering policy. Fears and facts
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Crime-entrepreneurs and financial management
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Upperworld and underworld in cross-border crime.Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, Nikos Passas (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2002, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-030-6, original retail price EUR24,75 (206 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Passas, Nikos
Introduction: Upper- and underworld in cross-border cime economy
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Cross-Border Crime: A relative Concept and Broad Phenomenon
Duyne, Petrus C. van
The organisation of crime for profit. Conduct law and measurement. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Maarten van Dijck, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-10: 90 5850 220-1, ISBN-13: 978-90-5850-220-9, original retail price EUR24,75 (205 pages, paperback)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Maljevic, Almir; Dijck, Maarten van; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Cross-border crime inroads on integrity in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Almir Maljevic, Jackie Harvey, Tom Vander Beken, Klaus von Lamp, (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2010, Nijmegen (NETH), 10th Colloquium, 2010 , 417 pages, Published: 11-2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058505774, original retail price EUR 32,50
Duyne, Petrus C. van ; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Maljevic, Almir; Harvey, Jackie ; Vander Beken, Tom
click here to read the summary of this paper
The organisation of business crime
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Introduction: Counting clouds and measuring organised crime
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Old and new in criminally mobile Europe
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Criminal finances and state of the art. Case for concern?
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Crime business and cime money in Europe. The dirty linen of illicit enterprise. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Maarten van Dijck, Klaus von Lampe, Jackie Harvey (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2007, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-13: 978-90-5850-305-3, original retail price EUR24,75
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Maljevic, Almir; Dijck, Maarten van; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
Virtue and Reality: an introductory tale of two cities
Duyne, Petrus C. van
European crime markets at cross-roads: extended and extending criminal Europe.Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Almir Maljevic, Klaus von Lampe, Miroslav Scheinost (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2008, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-13: 978-909-5850-392-3, 400 pages, Price: EUR 27,50 / USD 50.00
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Maljevic, Almir; Lampe, Klaus von; Scheinost, Miroslov
click here to read the summary of this paper
Introduction: Crime-markets are forever. From the criminal mushroom market to the crime-money scenario
Duyne, Petrus C. van
In search of crime-money management in Serbia
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Donati, Stefano
click here to read the summary of this paper
(Transnational) Organised Crime, Laundering and the Congregation of the Gullible - Retirement Speech of Prof. Dr. Petrus C. van Duyne, Tilburg/Den Haag, 14 March 2011 - 11th Colloquium, 2011
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Introduction: crime-money, corruption and the state . Introduction Chapter of Cross-border inroads on integrity in Europe
Duyne, Petrus C. van
click here to read the summary of this paper
Feudalizam u novom . Ogledi o klijentelizmu, korupciji, organizovanom kriminalu i poku?ajima reforme
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Donati, Stefano
Crime, Money and Criminal Mobility in Europe
Petrus C. van Duyne, Stefano Donati, Jackie Harvey, Almir Maljevic and Klaus von Lampe (Eds.), 406 pages, Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen 2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058504777, original retail price EUR 32.50; Duyne, Petrus C. van; Donati, Stefano; Harvey, Jackie; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper
Searching for contours of the anti-corruption policy in Serbia
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Todorova, Milena
click here to read the summary of this paper
Brick`s don`t talk. Searching for crime-money in rela estate
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Soudijn, Melvin; Kint, Tessy
Flesh and Money. Trafficking in Human Beings (digital edition). Petrus C. van Duyne and on Spencer (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers, 2011 Nijmegen (NETH) 260 pages, Publised 05-2011, ISBN (softcover): 9789058506559.
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Spencer, Jon
click here to read the summary of this paper
The criminal smoke of tobacco policy making. Cigarette smuggling in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne and Georgios A. Antonopoulos (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers, 2011, Nijmegen (NETH), 234 pages, Shipping Weight: 510 gram, ISBN (softcover) : 9780905850476
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.
click here to read the summary of this paper
Human dimensions in organised crime, money laundering and corruption. Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Almir Maljević, Jon Spencer (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2013 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 978-90-5850-983-3 (450 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Lampe, Klaus von; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper
Back to human criminal size: an introduction
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Serbian anti-corruption policy: Welcome to Potemkin village?
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Corruption, greed and crime-money. Sleaze and shady economy in Europe and beyond. Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Almir Maljević,Anna Markovska (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2014 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 978-94-6240-128-0, (414 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Lampe, Klaus von; Anna Markovska
click here to read the summary of this paper
Greed: the deadly sin as red thread ̶ An introduction
Duyne, Petrus C. van
The Moral Relativity Pride Parade: an introduction
Duyne, Petrus C. van
The relativity of wrongdoing: Corruption, organised crime, fraud and money laundering in perspective. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2014 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: ISBN: 978-94-6240-228-7, (374 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Almir Maljevic; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
The Janos-faces of cross-border crime in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Tomáš Strémy, Jackie H. Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Eleven Publishing 2018 Portland (US),ISBN: 978‐94‐6236‐871‐2 (348 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Strémy, Tomáš ; Harvey, Jackie H.; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
Introduction: the multiple meaning of the Janus face in crime
Duyne, Petrus C. van;
The crusade for purity: Corruption and laundering the global competitiveness race
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie H.; Gelemerova, Liliya Y.;
Criminal defiance in Europe and beyond. From organised crime to crime-terror nexus. Petrus C. van Duyne, Dina Siegel, Jackie H. Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Eleven Publishing 2020 Portland (US),ISBN: 978‐94‐6236‐163‐8 (550 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Dina Siegel; Harvey, Jackie H.; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Corruption and oligarchy in Ukraine: The tenacity of a problem
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Svyatokum, Igor
The retribution of the Erinyes: Combatting outlaw motorcycle gangs from the perspective of ‘undermining’ criminality
Vorm, Benny van der; Duyne, Petrus C. van

Duyne, Petrus C. van
The organised crime economy. Managing crime markets in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, Maarten van Dijck, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90 5850 1655, original retail price EUR22,75 (300 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Dijck, Maarten van; Newell, James L.
Crime and commercial activity. An introduction to two half-brothers
Duyne, Petrus C. van
The creation of a threat image: media, policy making and organised crime
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Criminal sub-contracting in the Netherlands: the Dutch 'koppelbaas' as crime-entrepreneur
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Houtzager, Mark J.
Threats and Phantoms of Organised Crime, Corruption and Terrorism; Rhetoric and critical perspectives. Petrus C. van Duyne, Matjaz Jager, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2004, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-077-2, original retail price EUR22,75 (278 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Jager, Matjaz; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Fears, naming and knowing: an introduction
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Criminal Finances and Organising Crime in Europe.Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.)Wolf Legal Publishers, 2003, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-045-4, original retail price EUR24,75 (215 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Foreword: Greasing the organisation of crime in Europe
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Money laundering policy. Fears and facts
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Crime-entrepreneurs and financial management
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Upperworld and underworld in cross-border crime.Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, Nikos Passas (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2002, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-030-6, original retail price EUR24,75 (206 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Passas, Nikos
Introduction: Upper- and underworld in cross-border cime economy
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Cross-Border Crime: A relative Concept and Broad Phenomenon
Duyne, Petrus C. van
The organisation of crime for profit. Conduct law and measurement. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Maarten van Dijck, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-10: 90 5850 220-1, ISBN-13: 978-90-5850-220-9, original retail price EUR24,75 (205 pages, paperback)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Maljevic, Almir; Dijck, Maarten van; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Cross-border crime inroads on integrity in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Almir Maljevic, Jackie Harvey, Tom Vander Beken, Klaus von Lamp, (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2010, Nijmegen (NETH), 10th Colloquium, 2010 , 417 pages, Published: 11-2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058505774, original retail price EUR 32,50
Duyne, Petrus C. van ; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Maljevic, Almir; Harvey, Jackie ; Vander Beken, Tom
click here to read the summary of this paper
The organisation of business crime
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Introduction: Counting clouds and measuring organised crime
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Old and new in criminally mobile Europe
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Criminal finances and state of the art. Case for concern?
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Crime business and cime money in Europe. The dirty linen of illicit enterprise. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Maarten van Dijck, Klaus von Lampe, Jackie Harvey (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2007, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-13: 978-90-5850-305-3, original retail price EUR24,75
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Maljevic, Almir; Dijck, Maarten van; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
Virtue and Reality: an introductory tale of two cities
Duyne, Petrus C. van
European crime markets at cross-roads: extended and extending criminal Europe.Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Almir Maljevic, Klaus von Lampe, Miroslav Scheinost (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2008, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-13: 978-909-5850-392-3, 400 pages, Price: EUR 27,50 / USD 50.00
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Maljevic, Almir; Lampe, Klaus von; Scheinost, Miroslov
click here to read the summary of this paper
Introduction: Crime-markets are forever. From the criminal mushroom market to the crime-money scenario
Duyne, Petrus C. van
In search of crime-money management in Serbia
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Donati, Stefano
click here to read the summary of this paper
(Transnational) Organised Crime, Laundering and the Congregation of the Gullible - Retirement Speech of Prof. Dr. Petrus C. van Duyne, Tilburg/Den Haag, 14 March 2011 - 11th Colloquium, 2011
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Introduction: crime-money, corruption and the state . Introduction Chapter of Cross-border inroads on integrity in Europe
Duyne, Petrus C. van
click here to read the summary of this paper
Feudalizam u novom . Ogledi o klijentelizmu, korupciji, organizovanom kriminalu i poku?ajima reforme
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Donati, Stefano
Crime, Money and Criminal Mobility in Europe
Petrus C. van Duyne, Stefano Donati, Jackie Harvey, Almir Maljevic and Klaus von Lampe (Eds.), 406 pages, Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen 2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058504777, original retail price EUR 32.50; Duyne, Petrus C. van; Donati, Stefano; Harvey, Jackie; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper
Searching for contours of the anti-corruption policy in Serbia
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Todorova, Milena
click here to read the summary of this paper
Brick`s don`t talk. Searching for crime-money in rela estate
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Soudijn, Melvin; Kint, Tessy
Flesh and Money. Trafficking in Human Beings (digital edition). Petrus C. van Duyne and on Spencer (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers, 2011 Nijmegen (NETH) 260 pages, Publised 05-2011, ISBN (softcover): 9789058506559.
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Spencer, Jon
click here to read the summary of this paper
The criminal smoke of tobacco policy making. Cigarette smuggling in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne and Georgios A. Antonopoulos (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers, 2011, Nijmegen (NETH), 234 pages, Shipping Weight: 510 gram, ISBN (softcover) : 9780905850476
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.
click here to read the summary of this paper
Human dimensions in organised crime, money laundering and corruption. Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Almir Maljević, Jon Spencer (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2013 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 978-90-5850-983-3 (450 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Lampe, Klaus von; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper
Back to human criminal size: an introduction
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Serbian anti-corruption policy: Welcome to Potemkin village?
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Corruption, greed and crime-money. Sleaze and shady economy in Europe and beyond. Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Almir Maljević,Anna Markovska (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2014 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 978-94-6240-128-0, (414 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Lampe, Klaus von; Anna Markovska
click here to read the summary of this paper
Greed: the deadly sin as red thread ̶ An introduction
Duyne, Petrus C. van
The Moral Relativity Pride Parade: an introduction
Duyne, Petrus C. van
The relativity of wrongdoing: Corruption, organised crime, fraud and money laundering in perspective. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2014 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: ISBN: 978-94-6240-228-7, (374 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Almir Maljevic; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
The Janos-faces of cross-border crime in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Tomáš Strémy, Jackie H. Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Eleven Publishing 2018 Portland (US),ISBN: 978‐94‐6236‐871‐2 (348 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Strémy, Tomáš ; Harvey, Jackie H.; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
Introduction: the multiple meaning of the Janus face in crime
Duyne, Petrus C. van;
The crusade for purity: Corruption and laundering the global competitiveness race
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie H.; Gelemerova, Liliya Y.;
Criminal defiance in Europe and beyond. From organised crime to crime-terror nexus. Petrus C. van Duyne, Dina Siegel, Jackie H. Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Eleven Publishing 2020 Portland (US),ISBN: 978‐94‐6236‐163‐8 (550 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Dina Siegel; Harvey, Jackie H.; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
Duyne, Petrus C. van
Corruption and oligarchy in Ukraine: The tenacity of a problem
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Svyatokum, Igor
The retribution of the Erinyes: Combatting outlaw motorcycle gangs from the perspective of ‘undermining’ criminality
Vorm, Benny van der; Duyne, Petrus C. van

Elliott, Martin
AML compliance: Rituals of engagement or imprevements in integrity?
Harvey, Jackie; Bosworth-Davies, Rowan; Elliott, Martin

Filipkowski, Wojciech
Internet s Illegal market Place
Filipkowski, Wojciech

Filippo Espinoza
A ‘virtuous circle’ of illicit markets? Smuggling and colonial state building in the Italian interwar Dodecanese
Georgios Papanicolaou ; Filippo Espinoza

François H.G. Kristen
Greedy of crime-money. The reality and ethics of asset recovery
Petrus C. van Duyne ; Wouter de Zanger; François H.G. Kristen

Gelemerova, Liliya
Fighting foreign bribery: the stick or the carrot?
Gelemerova, Liliya
click here to read the summary of this paper

Gelemerova, Liliya Y.
The crusade for purity: Corruption and laundering the global competitiveness race
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie H.; Gelemerova, Liliya Y.;

Georgios A. Antonopoulos
The death of the legitimate merchant? Small to medium-size enterprises and shady decisions in Greece during the financial crisis
Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Steve Hall
The relativity of wrongdoing: Corruption, organised crime, fraud and money laundering in perspective. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2014 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: ISBN: 978-94-6240-228-7, (374 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Almir Maljevic; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
Narratives of Organises Crime in Europe. Criminals, Corrupters & Policy. Petrus C. van Duyne, Miroslav Scheinost, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2016 Nijmegen (NETH),ISBN: 978-94-6240-316-1 (415 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Miroslav Scheinost; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
The many Faces of Crime for Profit and Ways of Tackling it Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Wolf Legal Publishers 2017 Oisterwijk (NETH),ISBN: 9789462404366 (445 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Jackie Harvey; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
Corrupt practices in Greek football: Are they inevitable?
Argyro Elisavet Manoli; Georgios A. Antonopoulos
Constructing and Organising Crime in Europe Petrus C. van Duyne, Alexey Serdyuk, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Published by Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Published, sold and distributed by Eleven International Publishing (NETH), 2019, ISBN: ISBN 978-94-6236-955-9 ISBN 978-94-6274-553-7 (E-book) (427 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Alexey Serdyuk; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper

Georgios Papanicolaou
A ‘virtuous circle’ of illicit markets? Smuggling and colonial state building in the Italian interwar Dodecanese
Georgios Papanicolaou ; Filippo Espinoza

Gimenez-Salinas, Andrea
The profile of a sample of criminal organisations acting in Spain during the last decade
Gimenez-Salinas, Andrea; Requena Espada, Laura; Corte Ibánez, Luis de la

Glaser, Severin
Legal Protection against OLAF: The European fraud watch dog
Glaser, Severin

Gounev, Philip
Market regulation and criminal structures in the Bulgarian commercial sex market
Gounev, Philip; Bezlov, Tihomir; Petrunov, Georgi
European lessons from the Bulgarian Serious Organised Crime Threat Assessment
Rusev, Atanas; Gounev, Philip; Bezlov, Tihomir

Groenhuijsen, Marc
Usual and unusual organising criminals in Europe and beyond. Profitable crimes, from underworld to upper world. Liber amicorum Petrus C. van Duyne. Georgios Antonopoulos, Marc Groenhuijsen, Jackie Harvey, Tijs Kooijmans, Almir Maljevic & Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Maklu Uitgevers nv, Antwerpen 2011, 314 pages, ISBN: 9789046604298, original rtail price EUR 62.00
Antonopoulos, Georgios; Groenhuijsen, Marc; Harvey, Jackie; Kooijmans,Tijs; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper

Groenhuijsen, Marc S.
Financial investigation and confiscation orders in a broader perspective: developments in Dutch criminal law
Groenhuijsen, Marc S.; Kooijmans, Tijs

Hall, Alexandra
‘License to pill’, Illegal entrepreneurs’ tactics in the online trade of medicines
Hall, Alexandra; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.

Hangáčová, Natália
VAT fraud committed in the Slovak Republic in context of the European Union
Strémy, Tomáš; Hangáčová, Natália; Kotovský, Martin;

Hartmann, Arthur
Twenty-five years of legislation and law enforcement against money laundering in Germany: Facts and opinions
Hartmann, Arthur

Harvey, Jackie
Controlling the flow of money or satisfying the regulators?
Harvey, Jackie
Cross-border crime inroads on integrity in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Almir Maljevic, Jackie Harvey, Tom Vander Beken, Klaus von Lamp, (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2010, Nijmegen (NETH), 10th Colloquium, 2010 , 417 pages, Published: 11-2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058505774, original retail price EUR 32,50
Duyne, Petrus C. van ; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Maljevic, Almir; Harvey, Jackie ; Vander Beken, Tom
click here to read the summary of this paper
European crime markets at cross-roads: extended and extending criminal Europe.Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Almir Maljevic, Klaus von Lampe, Miroslav Scheinost (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2008, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-13: 978-909-5850-392-3, 400 pages, Price: EUR 27,50 / USD 50.00
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Maljevic, Almir; Lampe, Klaus von; Scheinost, Miroslov
click here to read the summary of this paper
Crime-money records, recovery and their meaning
Harvey, Jackie
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Crime, Money and Criminal Mobility in Europe
Petrus C. van Duyne, Stefano Donati, Jackie Harvey, Almir Maljevic and Klaus von Lampe (Eds.), 406 pages, Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen 2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058504777, original retail price EUR 32.50; Duyne, Petrus C. van; Donati, Stefano; Harvey, Jackie; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper
Usual and unusual organising criminals in Europe and beyond. Profitable crimes, from underworld to upper world. Liber amicorum Petrus C. van Duyne. Georgios Antonopoulos, Marc Groenhuijsen, Jackie Harvey, Tijs Kooijmans, Almir Maljevic & Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Maklu Uitgevers nv, Antwerpen 2011, 314 pages, ISBN: 9789046604298, original rtail price EUR 62.00
Antonopoulos, Georgios; Groenhuijsen, Marc; Harvey, Jackie; Kooijmans,Tijs; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper
Money Laundering: Phantoms, Imagery and Facts
Harvey, Jackie
Policing criminal money flows: the role of law enforcement - paragons or pariahs?
Harvey, Jackie
Human dimensions in organised crime, money laundering and corruption. Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Almir Maljević, Jon Spencer (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2013 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 978-90-5850-983-3 (450 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Lampe, Klaus von; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper
AML compliance: Rituals of engagement or imprevements in integrity?
Harvey, Jackie; Bosworth-Davies, Rowan; Elliott, Martin
Corruption, greed and crime-money. Sleaze and shady economy in Europe and beyond. Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Almir Maljević,Anna Markovska (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2014 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 978-94-6240-128-0, (414 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Lampe, Klaus von; Anna Markovska
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Anti-money laundering policy: a response to the activity of criminals or of agencies?
Harvey, Jackie; Ashton, Simon

Harvey, Jackie
Controlling the flow of money or satisfying the regulators?
Harvey, Jackie
Cross-border crime inroads on integrity in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Almir Maljevic, Jackie Harvey, Tom Vander Beken, Klaus von Lamp, (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2010, Nijmegen (NETH), 10th Colloquium, 2010 , 417 pages, Published: 11-2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058505774, original retail price EUR 32,50
Duyne, Petrus C. van ; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Maljevic, Almir; Harvey, Jackie ; Vander Beken, Tom
click here to read the summary of this paper
European crime markets at cross-roads: extended and extending criminal Europe.Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Almir Maljevic, Klaus von Lampe, Miroslav Scheinost (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2008, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-13: 978-909-5850-392-3, 400 pages, Price: EUR 27,50 / USD 50.00
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Maljevic, Almir; Lampe, Klaus von; Scheinost, Miroslov
click here to read the summary of this paper
Crime-money records, recovery and their meaning
Harvey, Jackie
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Crime, Money and Criminal Mobility in Europe
Petrus C. van Duyne, Stefano Donati, Jackie Harvey, Almir Maljevic and Klaus von Lampe (Eds.), 406 pages, Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen 2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058504777, original retail price EUR 32.50; Duyne, Petrus C. van; Donati, Stefano; Harvey, Jackie; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper
Usual and unusual organising criminals in Europe and beyond. Profitable crimes, from underworld to upper world. Liber amicorum Petrus C. van Duyne. Georgios Antonopoulos, Marc Groenhuijsen, Jackie Harvey, Tijs Kooijmans, Almir Maljevic & Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Maklu Uitgevers nv, Antwerpen 2011, 314 pages, ISBN: 9789046604298, original rtail price EUR 62.00
Antonopoulos, Georgios; Groenhuijsen, Marc; Harvey, Jackie; Kooijmans,Tijs; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper
Money Laundering: Phantoms, Imagery and Facts
Harvey, Jackie
Policing criminal money flows: the role of law enforcement - paragons or pariahs?
Harvey, Jackie
Human dimensions in organised crime, money laundering and corruption. Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Almir Maljević, Jon Spencer (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2013 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 978-90-5850-983-3 (450 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Lampe, Klaus von; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper
AML compliance: Rituals of engagement or imprevements in integrity?
Harvey, Jackie; Bosworth-Davies, Rowan; Elliott, Martin
Corruption, greed and crime-money. Sleaze and shady economy in Europe and beyond. Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Almir Maljević,Anna Markovska (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2014 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 978-94-6240-128-0, (414 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Lampe, Klaus von; Anna Markovska
click here to read the summary of this paper
Anti-money laundering policy: a response to the activity of criminals or of agencies?
Harvey, Jackie; Ashton, Simon

Harvey, Jackie H.
The Janos-faces of cross-border crime in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Tomáš Strémy, Jackie H. Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Eleven Publishing 2018 Portland (US),ISBN: 978‐94‐6236‐871‐2 (348 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Strémy, Tomáš ; Harvey, Jackie H.; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Lampe, Klaus von
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The crusade for purity: Corruption and laundering the global competitiveness race
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie H.; Gelemerova, Liliya Y.;
Criminal defiance in Europe and beyond. From organised crime to crime-terror nexus. Petrus C. van Duyne, Dina Siegel, Jackie H. Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Eleven Publishing 2020 Portland (US),ISBN: 978‐94‐6236‐163‐8 (550 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Dina Siegel; Harvey, Jackie H.; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Lampe, Klaus von
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Heitmüller, Ulrike
The rocker phenomenon in Germany: Perceptions and government responses to outlaw bikers in an historical perspective
Heitmüller, Ulrike; Lampe, Klaus von

Herkes, Gwen
The Janus-faced victimisation in human smuggling and human trafficking
Herkes, Gwen;

Hobbs, Dick
Sound and Vision. Nigerian Street Entrepreneurs in Greece
Antonopoulos, Georgios; Horsnby, Rob; Hobbs, Dick

Hoog, Gabriëlle op `t
Why do we know so little about illicit trade in cultural goods? An analysis of obstacles to collecting reliable data sector
Batura, Olga; Hoog, Gabriëlle op `t; Wanrooij, Niels van

Hornsby, Rob
Organised Crime is... Findings from a cross-national review of literature
Lampe, Klaus von; Dijck, Maarten van; Hornsby, Rob; Markina, Anna; Verpoest, Karen

Horsnby, Rob
Sound and Vision. Nigerian Street Entrepreneurs in Greece
Antonopoulos, Georgios; Horsnby, Rob; Hobbs, Dick

Houtzager, Mark J.
Criminal sub-contracting in the Netherlands: the Dutch 'koppelbaas' as crime-entrepreneur
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Houtzager, Mark J.

Huisman, Sander
Criminal expatriates. British criminals in the Netherlands and Dutch criminals in Spain
Soudijn, Melvin; Huisman, Sander

Igor Sviatokum
Police reform in Ukraine. A reconnaissance of perceptions
Igor Sviatokum; Alexey Serdyuk; Petrus C. van Duyne

Illona Karpanos
Russian organised crime and criminal economy. 95 years of history
Illona Karpanos

Impe, K. van
The Need for a Multidisciplinary and Practive Approach to Human Trafficking. Reflections from Two Pilots
Ruyver, B. de; Impe, K. van; Meese, J.

Ingrascě, Ombretta
Organised crime’s lawyers, from lawful defence to the ‘bridge function’: The case of the Sicilian Mafia
Ingrascě, Ombretta

Ingvaldsen, Karsten
Money laundering in the Norwegian securities market. On the conditions of money laundering
Ingvaldsen, Karsten; Larsson, Paul

Isaeva, Anna
Public sector corruption: lessons to be learned from the Ukrainian experience
Markovska, Anna; Isaeva, Anna

Jackie Harvey
AML and the political power weight
Jackie Harvey; Michael Hutchinson; Adam Peacock
The relativity of wrongdoing: Corruption, organised crime, fraud and money laundering in perspective. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2014 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: ISBN: 978-94-6240-228-7, (374 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Almir Maljevic; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
Narratives of Organises Crime in Europe. Criminals, Corrupters & Policy. Petrus C. van Duyne, Miroslav Scheinost, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2016 Nijmegen (NETH),ISBN: 978-94-6240-316-1 (415 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Miroslav Scheinost; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
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The Criminal Entrepreneur: a case study of an organised criminal family
Jackie Harvey; Rob Hornsby
The many Faces of Crime for Profit and Ways of Tackling it Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Wolf Legal Publishers 2017 Oisterwijk (NETH),ISBN: 9789462404366 (445 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Jackie Harvey; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
Trafficked, smuggled or exploited. Ignore the labels, they all involve abuse
Rob Hornsby; Jackie Harvey; Deborah Booth
Constructing and Organising Crime in Europe Petrus C. van Duyne, Alexey Serdyuk, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Published by Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Published, sold and distributed by Eleven International Publishing (NETH), 2019, ISBN: ISBN 978-94-6236-955-9 ISBN 978-94-6274-553-7 (E-book) (427 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Alexey Serdyuk; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper

Jager, Matjaz
Threats and Phantoms of Organised Crime, Corruption and Terrorism; Rhetoric and critical perspectives. Petrus C. van Duyne, Matjaz Jager, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2004, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-077-2, original retail price EUR22,75 (278 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Jager, Matjaz; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
In the quest for essence: the prinicipal agent model of corruption
Jager, Matjaz
The market and criminal law: the case of corruption
Jager, Matjaz
Some policy implications of the various patterns of the supply side of the illicit drug market
Jager, Matjaz
The developing EU criminal law and the ultima ratio principle
Sugman, Katja; Jager, Matjaz
The Politics of the Zemono Building Cartel on the Sunny Side of the Alps
Jager, Matjaz

Jager, Matjaž
Panama papers, Paradise documents and the Slovene state in the global competitiveness race
Jager, Matjaž ;

Janssen, Jelle
The tides of thoughts and policy on the assessment of organised crime in Belgium
Vander Beken, Tom; Janssen, Jelle

Janssens, Jelle
Betwixt and between: Examining the evolution of the crime-terror nexus
Raets, Sigrid; Janssens, Jelle

Johansen, Per Ole
Organised crime, Norwegian style
Johansen, Per Ole
Alcohol; the lazarus of illegal markets. How do they make it?
Johansen, Per Ole

John Bae
Land of opportunities. The illicit trade in cigarettes in the United States
Klaus von Lampe ; Marin Kurti; John Bae

Johnson, Jacqueline
The link between poverty and crime
Lampe, Klaus von; Johnson, Jacqueline

Jon Spencer
Human trafficking policy making and the politics of international criminal justice. A case study of sexual exploitation
Jon Spencer

Jonathan Davies
Market dynamics of harm and labour exploitation and real concerns
Jonathan Davies

Joschka J. Proksik
The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo: a capsized flagship?
Joschka J. Proksik

Joutsen, M.
Cross-Border Crime Patterns between Eastern Europe and the European Union
Joutsen, M.

Junninen, Mika
Crime Across the Border. Finnish Professional Criminals Taking Advantage of Estonian Crime Opportunities
Junninen, Mika; Aromaa, Kauko

Jurij Novak
Transnational crime of Chinese origin in the EU: False flags and real concerns
Jurij Novak

Kaderabkova, Drahuse
Adventure capitalism and economic crime in the countries of transition: the case of the Czech Republic
Scheinost, Miroslav; Baloun, Vladimir; Kaderabkova, Drahuse

Karadzoski, Mladen
Discrepancies between anti-corruption legislation and practice in Macedonia
Karadzoski, Mladen

Kathryn Gudmunson
A comparison of English language online media coverage of Czech and Portuguese drug decriminalisation
Kathryn Gudmunson

Katja Šugman Stubbs
Inner contradictions of economic crime control
Matjaž Jager; Katja Šugman Stubbs
Is corporate social responsibility anything more than a 417 mask for multinational (oil) companies?
Matjaž Jager; Ciril Keršmanc; Katja Šugman Stubbs

Katja Šugman Stubbs
Inner contradictions of economic crime control
Matjaž Jager; Katja Šugman Stubbs
Is corporate social responsibility anything more than a 417 mask for multinational (oil) companies?
Matjaž Jager; Ciril Keršmanc; Katja Šugman Stubbs

Kenneth Murray
How ‘organised’ is organised crime in Scotland
Kenneth Murray
Hierarchy, strategic assets and distinctive capabilities in Scottish organised crime
Kenneth Murray

Kersmanc, Ciril
Learning the ABC's of deceptive practices in banking
Kersmanc, Ciril; Ahtik, Mehta

King, Colin
Following the money trail: 'Civil' forefeiture of 'criminal' assets in Ireland
King, Colin
Legal responses to organised crime in Ireland: Erosion of due process values
King, Colin
Preventive AML in the UK property market: Inside views from the sector
Zavoli, Ilaria; King, Colin

Kint, Tessy
Brick`s don`t talk. Searching for crime-money in rela estate
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Soudijn, Melvin; Kint, Tessy

Klaus von Lampe
Land of opportunities. The illicit trade in cigarettes in the United States
Klaus von Lampe ; Marin Kurti; John Bae
The relativity of wrongdoing: Corruption, organised crime, fraud and money laundering in perspective. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2014 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: ISBN: 978-94-6240-228-7, (374 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Almir Maljevic; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
Narratives of Organises Crime in Europe. Criminals, Corrupters & Policy. Petrus C. van Duyne, Miroslav Scheinost, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2016 Nijmegen (NETH),ISBN: 978-94-6240-316-1 (415 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Miroslav Scheinost; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
The role of the German foreign intelligence service BND in fighting organised crime
Klaus von Lampe
The many Faces of Crime for Profit and Ways of Tackling it Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Wolf Legal Publishers 2017 Oisterwijk (NETH),ISBN: 9789462404366 (445 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Jackie Harvey; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
Constructing and Organising Crime in Europe Petrus C. van Duyne, Alexey Serdyuk, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Published by Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Published, sold and distributed by Eleven International Publishing (NETH), 2019, ISBN: ISBN 978-94-6236-955-9 ISBN 978-94-6274-553-7 (E-book) (427 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Alexey Serdyuk; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
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How well established is research on organised crime in Germany?
Klaus von Lampe; susanne Knickmeier

Klaus von Lampe
German-Polish cross-border Police cooperation: A brief overview
Klaus von Lampe ; Aleksandra Zurakowska

Klaus von Lampe
Land of opportunities. The illicit trade in cigarettes in the United States
Klaus von Lampe ; Marin Kurti; John Bae
The relativity of wrongdoing: Corruption, organised crime, fraud and money laundering in perspective. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2014 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: ISBN: 978-94-6240-228-7, (374 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Almir Maljevic; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
Narratives of Organises Crime in Europe. Criminals, Corrupters & Policy. Petrus C. van Duyne, Miroslav Scheinost, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2016 Nijmegen (NETH),ISBN: 978-94-6240-316-1 (415 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Miroslav Scheinost; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
The role of the German foreign intelligence service BND in fighting organised crime
Klaus von Lampe
The many Faces of Crime for Profit and Ways of Tackling it Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Wolf Legal Publishers 2017 Oisterwijk (NETH),ISBN: 9789462404366 (445 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Jackie Harvey; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
Constructing and Organising Crime in Europe Petrus C. van Duyne, Alexey Serdyuk, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Published by Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Published, sold and distributed by Eleven International Publishing (NETH), 2019, ISBN: ISBN 978-94-6236-955-9 ISBN 978-94-6274-553-7 (E-book) (427 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Alexey Serdyuk; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
How well established is research on organised crime in Germany?
Klaus von Lampe; susanne Knickmeier

Konstantin Bugaychuk
Corruption in the daily life of Ukraine
Anna Markovska; Alexey Serdyuk; Petrus C. van Duyne; Konstantin Bugaychuk

Kooijmans, Tijs
Financial investigation and confiscation orders in a broader perspective: developments in Dutch criminal law
Groenhuijsen, Marc S.; Kooijmans, Tijs

Usual and unusual organising criminals in Europe and beyond. Profitable crimes, from underworld to upper world. Liber amicorum Petrus C. van Duyne. Georgios Antonopoulos, Marc Groenhuijsen, Jackie Harvey, Tijs Kooijmans, Almir Maljevic & Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Maklu Uitgevers nv, Antwerpen 2011, 314 pages, ISBN: 9789046604298, original rtail price EUR 62.00
Antonopoulos, Georgios; Groenhuijsen, Marc; Harvey, Jackie; Kooijmans,Tijs; Maljevic, Almir
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Korsell, Lars
Swedish international casinos: A nest of organised crime or just a place for ordinary tax cheaters?
Skinnari, Johanna; Korsell, Lars

Kotovský, Martin
VAT fraud committed in the Slovak Republic in context of the European Union
Strémy, Tomáš; Hangáčová, Natália; Kotovský, Martin;

Krajewski, K.
Drug Trafficking in Poland
Krajewski, K.

Kravtsov, Roman Vladimirovich
The Wild East: An introduction to organised crime in Siberia
Novak, Jurij; Kravtsov, Roman Vladimirovich

Lampe, Klaus von
The organised crime economy. Managing crime markets in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, Maarten van Dijck, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90 5850 1655, original retail price EUR22,75 (300 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Dijck, Maarten van; Newell, James L.
Organising the nicotine racket. Patterns of criminal coopeartion in the cigarette black market in Germany
Lampe, Klaus von
Explaining the emergence of the cigarette black market in Germany
Lampe, Klaus von
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Threats and Phantoms of Organised Crime, Corruption and Terrorism; Rhetoric and critical perspectives. Petrus C. van Duyne, Matjaz Jager, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2004, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-077-2, original retail price EUR22,75 (278 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Jager, Matjaz; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Measuring Organised Crime. A Critique of Current Approaches
Lampe, Klaus von
Criminal Finances and Organising Crime in Europe.Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.)Wolf Legal Publishers, 2003, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-045-4, original retail price EUR24,75 (215 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Upperworld and underworld in cross-border crime.Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, Nikos Passas (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2002, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-030-6, original retail price EUR24,75 (206 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Passas, Nikos
The trafficking in untaxed cigarettes in Germany: a case study of the social embeddedness of illegal markets
Lampe, Klaus von
Afterword: organsied crime research in perspective
Lampe, Klaus von
The organisation of crime for profit. Conduct law and measurement. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Maarten van Dijck, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-10: 90 5850 220-1, ISBN-13: 978-90-5850-220-9, original retail price EUR24,75 (205 pages, paperback)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Maljevic, Almir; Dijck, Maarten van; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Organised Crime is... Findings from a cross-national review of literature
Lampe, Klaus von; Dijck, Maarten van; Hornsby, Rob; Markina, Anna; Verpoest, Karen
Transnational crime connecting Eastern and Western Europe: Three case studies
Lampe, Klaus von
Criminals are not alone. Some observations on the social microcosm of illegal entrepreneurs
Lampe, Klaus von
Crime business and cime money in Europe. The dirty linen of illicit enterprise. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Maarten van Dijck, Klaus von Lampe, Jackie Harvey (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2007, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-13: 978-90-5850-305-3, original retail price EUR24,75
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Maljevic, Almir; Dijck, Maarten van; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
European crime markets at cross-roads: extended and extending criminal Europe.Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Almir Maljevic, Klaus von Lampe, Miroslav Scheinost (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2008, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-13: 978-909-5850-392-3, 400 pages, Price: EUR 27,50 / USD 50.00
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Maljevic, Almir; Lampe, Klaus von; Scheinost, Miroslov
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Organised crime research in Europe: development and stagnation
Lampe, Klaus von
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Situational Prevention of `Organised Crime`: Preventing phantom conceptions with phantom means?
Lampe, Klaus von
The Use of Models in the Study of Organised Crime
Lampe, Klaus von
Human dimensions in organised crime, money laundering and corruption. Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Almir Maljević, Jon Spencer (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2013 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 978-90-5850-983-3 (450 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Lampe, Klaus von; Maljevic, Almir
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Fears and forecasts: Notions about future trends in the early phases of the german debate on organised crime revisited
Lampe, Klaus von
Corruption, greed and crime-money. Sleaze and shady economy in Europe and beyond. Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Almir Maljević,Anna Markovska (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2014 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 978-94-6240-128-0, (414 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Lampe, Klaus von; Anna Markovska
click here to read the summary of this paper
The link between poverty and crime
Lampe, Klaus von; Johnson, Jacqueline
The Janos-faces of cross-border crime in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Tomáš Strémy, Jackie H. Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Eleven Publishing 2018 Portland (US),ISBN: 978‐94‐6236‐871‐2 (348 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Strémy, Tomáš ; Harvey, Jackie H.; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
On the persistence of an open illegal market: Explaining the continued existence of street-vending of contraband cigarettes in Berlin since 1990
Nguyen, Trang; Lampe, Klaus von;
Criminal defiance in Europe and beyond. From organised crime to crime-terror nexus. Petrus C. van Duyne, Dina Siegel, Jackie H. Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Eleven Publishing 2020 Portland (US),ISBN: 978‐94‐6236‐163‐8 (550 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Dina Siegel; Harvey, Jackie H.; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
The rocker phenomenon in Germany: Perceptions and government responses to outlaw bikers in an historical perspective
Heitmüller, Ulrike; Lampe, Klaus von

Larsson, Paul
Money laundering in the Norwegian securities market. On the conditions of money laundering
Ingvaldsen, Karsten; Larsson, Paul

Lavorgna, Anita
Codes of ethics in the Italian professional football
Lavorgna, Anita; Di Ronco, Anna
Money laundering schemes through real estate markets: A systematic review sector
Sclafani, Emanuele; Lavorgna, Anita

Lehti, Martti
Trafficking in human beings: policy problems and recommendations
Aromaa, Kauko; Lehti, Martti
Rules of the Game: A qualitative study of corruption on the Finnish-Russian border
Viuhko, Minna; Lehti, Martti; Aromaa, Kauko
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Levi, Michael
Following the criminal and terrorist money trails
Levi, Michael
Credit Crad Fraud in International Perspective
Levi, Michael
Theorising the Security and Exchange Commission‟s 2010 settlement with Goldman Sachs: Legislative weakness, reintegrative shaming or ?temporary business interruption‟ for financial market power elites?
Dorn, Nicholas; Levi, Michael
Financial crimes and the global financial crisis
Levi, Michael

Linette de Swart
Assessing the outcomes of anti-money laundering policies. Ambitions and reality
Brigitte Slot; Linette de Swart

Logonder, Sanja
Who is `Yugo` in `Yugo-mafia`? A comparative analysis of Serb and Slovene offenders
Logonder, Sanja
click here to read the summary of this paper

Maljevic, Almir
Trafficking in Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Maljevic, Almir
The organisation of crime for profit. Conduct law and measurement. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Maarten van Dijck, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-10: 90 5850 220-1, ISBN-13: 978-90-5850-220-9, original retail price EUR24,75 (205 pages, paperback)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Maljevic, Almir; Dijck, Maarten van; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Fighting Money Laundering in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Should We Control Criminals` Sloppiness or Private Sector`s Diligence?
Maljevic, Almir
Cross-border crime inroads on integrity in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Almir Maljevic, Jackie Harvey, Tom Vander Beken, Klaus von Lamp, (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2010, Nijmegen (NETH), 10th Colloquium, 2010 , 417 pages, Published: 11-2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058505774, original retail price EUR 32,50
Duyne, Petrus C. van ; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Maljevic, Almir; Harvey, Jackie ; Vander Beken, Tom
click here to read the summary of this paper
Crime business and cime money in Europe. The dirty linen of illicit enterprise. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Maarten van Dijck, Klaus von Lampe, Jackie Harvey (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2007, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-13: 978-90-5850-305-3, original retail price EUR24,75
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Maljevic, Almir; Dijck, Maarten van; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
European crime markets at cross-roads: extended and extending criminal Europe.Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Almir Maljevic, Klaus von Lampe, Miroslav Scheinost (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2008, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-13: 978-909-5850-392-3, 400 pages, Price: EUR 27,50 / USD 50.00
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Maljevic, Almir; Lampe, Klaus von; Scheinost, Miroslov
click here to read the summary of this paper
Police corruption through eyes of bribers: The ambivalence of sinners
Datzer, Darko; Maljevic, Almir; Muratbegovic, Elmedin; Budimlic, Muhamed
click here to read the summary of this paper
Crime, Money and Criminal Mobility in Europe
Petrus C. van Duyne, Stefano Donati, Jackie Harvey, Almir Maljevic and Klaus von Lampe (Eds.), 406 pages, Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen 2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058504777, original retail price EUR 32.50; Duyne, Petrus C. van; Donati, Stefano; Harvey, Jackie; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper
Usual and unusual organising criminals in Europe and beyond. Profitable crimes, from underworld to upper world. Liber amicorum Petrus C. van Duyne. Georgios Antonopoulos, Marc Groenhuijsen, Jackie Harvey, Tijs Kooijmans, Almir Maljevic & Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Maklu Uitgevers nv, Antwerpen 2011, 314 pages, ISBN: 9789046604298, original rtail price EUR 62.00
Antonopoulos, Georgios; Groenhuijsen, Marc; Harvey, Jackie; Kooijmans,Tijs; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper
Human dimensions in organised crime, money laundering and corruption. Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Almir Maljević, Jon Spencer (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2013 Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 978-90-5850-983-3 (450 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Lampe, Klaus von; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper

Marija Zurnić
Political scandal and anti-corruption debates in Serbia
Marija Zurnić
What does corruption mean in a transition country? Political scandal of the Port of Belgrade
Marija Zurnić

Marin Kurti
Land of opportunities. The illicit trade in cigarettes in the United States
Klaus von Lampe ; Marin Kurti; John Bae

Markina, Anna
An assessment of prospective changes in cross-border crime after Estonia's accession to the European Union
Markina, Anna; Saar, J?ri
Organised Crime is... Findings from a cross-national review of literature
Lampe, Klaus von; Dijck, Maarten van; Hornsby, Rob; Markina, Anna; Verpoest, Karen
Cigarette black market in Estonia
Markina, Anna

Markovska, Anna
Public sector corruption: lessons to be learned from the Ukrainian experience
Markovska, Anna; Isaeva, Anna
Ruling human trafficking in the UK and the Ukraine
Markovska, Anna; Moore, Coleen
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Ukrainian underworld: From street gambling games to the game of politics and big business.
Markovska, Anna; Serdyuk, Alexey
Dysfunctional social institutions as an obstacle to tackle crime: Exploring the dilemma of a good Ukrainian policeman
Markovska, Anna; Serdyuk, Alexey
The normalisation of arms trafficking in times of conflict: the Ukrainian experience
Markovska, Anna; Serdyuk, Alexey;

Markovski, Anna
Black, grey or white? Finding the new shade of corruption in Ukraine
Markovski, Anna; Serduyk, Alexey

Maršavelski, Aleksandar
Criminal responsibility of political parties for economic crime: Democracy on test
Vidlička, Sunčana Roksandić; Maršavelski, Aleksandar

Massari, Monica
Ecomafias and Waste Entrepreneurs in the Italian Market
Massari, Monica
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Matjaž Jager
Inner contradictions of economic crime control
Matjaž Jager; Katja Šugman Stubbs
Is corporate social responsibility anything more than a 417 mask for multinational (oil) companies?
Matjaž Jager; Ciril Keršmanc; Katja Šugman Stubbs

Maugeri, Anna Maria
Italian strategies against the infiltration of the criminal organisation in the economy
Maugeri, Anna Maria ;

Meese, J.
The Need for a Multidisciplinary and Practive Approach to Human Trafficking. Reflections from Two Pilots
Ruyver, B. de; Impe, K. van; Meese, J.

Michael Hutchinson
AML and the political power weight
Jackie Harvey; Michael Hutchinson; Adam Peacock

Mihaela Sandulescu
Compliance duties and bankers at work. Coping with tensions
Mihaela Sandulescu

Reconciling the anti-money laundering compliance duties and the commercial objectives of the bank

Milani, Riccardo
Opacity of business ownership and the risk of money laundering
Riccardi, Michele; Milani, Riccardo;

Miroslav Scheinost
Shadows of corruption and bribery – Can we see through?
Miroslav Scheinost
Narratives of Organises Crime in Europe. Criminals, Corrupters & Policy. Petrus C. van Duyne, Miroslav Scheinost, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2016 Nijmegen (NETH),ISBN: 978-94-6240-316-1 (415 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Miroslav Scheinost; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
Czech organised economic crime: some characteristic cases
Miroslav Scheinost
Changing face of organised crime or old and new usual suspects in the Czech Republic
Miroslav Scheinost

Moore, Coleen
Ruling human trafficking in the UK and the Ukraine
Markovska, Anna; Moore, Coleen
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Muratbegovic, Elmedin
Police corruption through eyes of bribers: The ambivalence of sinners
Datzer, Darko; Maljevic, Almir; Muratbegovic, Elmedin; Budimlic, Muhamed
click here to read the summary of this paper

Nadya Stoynova
Corruption mechanisms, actors and significance for human trafficking: Evidence from Bulgaria
Nadya Stoynova

Naylor, Thomas (R.T.)
The International Anti-Money Laundering Regime: A Bankrupt Policy Desperate for a New Raison D‟?tre
Naylor, Thomas (R.T.)

Neag, Alexandra
Organised crime legislation in Romania: A case of policy transference?
Neag, Alexandra

Newell, James L.
The organised crime economy. Managing crime markets in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, Maarten van Dijck, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90 5850 1655, original retail price EUR22,75 (300 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Dijck, Maarten van; Newell, James L.
Threats and Phantoms of Organised Crime, Corruption and Terrorism; Rhetoric and critical perspectives. Petrus C. van Duyne, Matjaz Jager, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2004, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-077-2, original retail price EUR22,75 (278 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Jager, Matjaz; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Institutional reform and attempts to fight corruption: the Italian case
Newell, James L.
Criminal Finances and Organising Crime in Europe.Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.)Wolf Legal Publishers, 2003, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-045-4, original retail price EUR24,75 (215 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Political corruption in Italy
Newell, James L.
The organisation of crime for profit. Conduct law and measurement. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Maarten van Dijck, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-10: 90 5850 220-1, ISBN-13: 978-90-5850-220-9, original retail price EUR24,75 (205 pages, paperback)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Maljevic, Almir; Dijck, Maarten van; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Organised crime and corruption: the case of the Sicilian mafia
Newell, James L.
Where crime and politics meet: `It`s the culture, stupid!`
Newell, James L.

Newell, James L.
The organised crime economy. Managing crime markets in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, Maarten van Dijck, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90 5850 1655, original retail price EUR22,75 (300 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Dijck, Maarten van; Newell, James L.
Threats and Phantoms of Organised Crime, Corruption and Terrorism; Rhetoric and critical perspectives. Petrus C. van Duyne, Matjaz Jager, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2004, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-077-2, original retail price EUR22,75 (278 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Jager, Matjaz; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Institutional reform and attempts to fight corruption: the Italian case
Newell, James L.
Criminal Finances and Organising Crime in Europe.Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.)Wolf Legal Publishers, 2003, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-045-4, original retail price EUR24,75 (215 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Political corruption in Italy
Newell, James L.
The organisation of crime for profit. Conduct law and measurement. Petrus C. van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Maarten van Dijck, Klaus von Lampe, James L. Newell (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-10: 90 5850 220-1, ISBN-13: 978-90-5850-220-9, original retail price EUR24,75 (205 pages, paperback)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Maljevic, Almir; Dijck, Maarten van; Lampe, Klaus von; Newell, James L.
Organised crime and corruption: the case of the Sicilian mafia
Newell, James L.
Where crime and politics meet: `It`s the culture, stupid!`
Newell, James L.

Nguyen, Trang
On the persistence of an open illegal market: Explaining the continued existence of street-vending of contraband cigarettes in Berlin since 1990
Nguyen, Trang; Lampe, Klaus von;

Nicholas Dorn
Boom and bust in financial and housing markets: re-readings through Schumpeter and Bourdieu
Nicholas Dorn

Nicholas Ryder
The 2008 financial crisis and financial crime - a critial analysis of the response in the United States
Nicholas Ryder

Nicolae Radu
Peculiarities of the illicit enrichment in Romania
Nicolae Radu

Niels van Wanrooij
Do firearms link organised crime and terrorism in the Netherlands? A Social Network Analysis exploration
Niels van Wanrooij; Saraď Sapulete

Nikolic, Vesna
Trafficking in humans and illegal economy in war and post-war society
Nikolic, Vesna

Nikolic-Ristanovi, Vesna
Human traffickers in Serbia
Nikolic-Ristanovi, Vesna

Nikolic-Ristanovic, Vesna
Illegal markets, human trade and transnational organised crime
Nikolic-Ristanovic, Vesna
Money laundering: possibilities and problems in the law enforcement in Serbia
Nikolic-Ristanovic, Vesna; Copic, Sanja
click here to read the summary of this paper

Novak, Jurij
The Wild East: An introduction to organised crime in Siberia
Novak, Jurij; Kravtsov, Roman Vladimirovich

Nozina, Miroslav
The role of Vietnamese criminal networks in drug crime. The Czech Republic case
Nozina, Miroslav;

Omurgonulsen, Ugur
Joining the EU: Is corruption a problem from the Turkish perspective?
Omurgonulsen, Ugur

Orsini, Giacomo
The emergency business. Migrants reception, mafia interests and glocal governance: from Lampedusa to Rome.
Orsini, Giacomo; Sergi, Anna;

Osyka, Igor
Anti-corruption policies in Ukraine
Osyka, Igor
Organsied Crime Problems in the Ukraine
Osyka, Igor

Papanicolaou, Georgios
`Organised crime` and productive illegal labour: The economic significance of human smuggling and trafficking in Greece
Papanicolaou, Georgios; Antonopoulos, Georgios
Migrants and `Organised Crime` in the Greek press: 1991-2011. The politics of representing the `Organised Criminal Other`
Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Papanicolaou, Georgios
The role of the Internet in the process of trafficking humans in the UK
Diba, Parisa; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.; Papanicolaou, Georgios;

Pashev Konstantin
Countering Cross-border VAT Fraud. The Bulgarian Experience in an extended Europe
Pashev Konstantin
click here to read the summary of this paper

Passas, Nikos
Upperworld and underworld in cross-border crime.Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, Nikos Passas (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2002, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN: 90-5850-030-6, original retail price EUR24,75 (206 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Lampe, Klaus von; Passas, Nikos
Cross-border crime and the interface between legal and illegal actors
Passas, Nikos
Facts and Myths about tue So-Called Underground Banking
Passas, Nikos

Paul Larsson
Scary monsters. The bikers: a moral panic?
Paul Larsson

Perkowska, Magdalena
Organised forms of illegal migration: The case of Poland’s borders
Perkowska, Magdalena

Persak, Nina
Islamic fundamentalism and Western horror: fear of the other or of oneself?
Persak, Nina

Peter Sproat
Organised crime in the UK: Presentations and realities
Peter Sproat

Petrunov, Georgi
Market regulation and criminal structures in the Bulgarian commercial sex market
Gounev, Philip; Bezlov, Tihomir; Petrunov, Georgi

Petrus C. van Duyne
Greedy of crime-money. The reality and ethics of asset recovery
Petrus C. van Duyne ; Wouter de Zanger; François H.G. Kristen
Narratives of Organises Crime in Europe. Criminals, Corrupters & Policy. Petrus C. van Duyne, Miroslav Scheinost, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2016 Nijmegen (NETH),ISBN: 978-94-6240-316-1 (415 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Miroslav Scheinost; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
Introduction: crime narratives and their narrators
Petrus C. van Duyne
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Investment and long firm fraud. Local and cross-border
Petrus C. van Duyne; Alan Kapki
The many Faces of Crime for Profit and Ways of Tackling it Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Wolf Legal Publishers 2017 Oisterwijk (NETH),ISBN: 9789462404366 (445 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Jackie Harvey; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
Introduction: Truths and the many faces of crime
Petrus C. van Duyne
The offshore world: nebulous finances
Petrus C. van Duyne; Tjalling J. van Koningsveld 1
Constructing and Organising Crime in Europe Petrus C. van Duyne, Alexey Serdyuk, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Published by Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Published, sold and distributed by Eleven International Publishing (NETH), 2019, ISBN: ISBN 978-94-6236-955-9 ISBN 978-94-6274-553-7 (E-book) (427 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Alexey Serdyuk; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
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The perspective of constructing and organising crime in Europe: an introduction
Petrus C. van Duyne
Corruption in the daily life of Ukraine
Anna Markovska; Alexey Serdyuk; Petrus C. van Duyne; Konstantin Bugaychuk
Police reform in Ukraine. A reconnaissance of perceptions
Igor Sviatokum; Alexey Serdyuk; Petrus C. van Duyne
Moldova: Small country – big problem! Corruption and a mono-garchy
Petrus C. van Duyne; Brendan Quirke

Petrus C. van Duyne
Greedy of crime-money. The reality and ethics of asset recovery
Petrus C. van Duyne ; Wouter de Zanger; François H.G. Kristen
Narratives of Organises Crime in Europe. Criminals, Corrupters & Policy. Petrus C. van Duyne, Miroslav Scheinost, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers 2016 Nijmegen (NETH),ISBN: 978-94-6240-316-1 (415 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Miroslav Scheinost; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
Introduction: crime narratives and their narrators
Petrus C. van Duyne
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Investment and long firm fraud. Local and cross-border
Petrus C. van Duyne; Alan Kapki
The many Faces of Crime for Profit and Ways of Tackling it Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe, Wolf Legal Publishers 2017 Oisterwijk (NETH),ISBN: 9789462404366 (445 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Jackie Harvey; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
Introduction: Truths and the many faces of crime
Petrus C. van Duyne
The offshore world: nebulous finances
Petrus C. van Duyne; Tjalling J. van Koningsveld 1
Constructing and Organising Crime in Europe Petrus C. van Duyne, Alexey Serdyuk, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Published by Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Published, sold and distributed by Eleven International Publishing (NETH), 2019, ISBN: ISBN 978-94-6236-955-9 ISBN 978-94-6274-553-7 (E-book) (427 pages)
Petrus C. van Duyne; Alexey Serdyuk; Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Jackie Harvey; Klaus von Lampe
click here to read the summary of this paper
The perspective of constructing and organising crime in Europe: an introduction
Petrus C. van Duyne
Corruption in the daily life of Ukraine
Anna Markovska; Alexey Serdyuk; Petrus C. van Duyne; Konstantin Bugaychuk
Police reform in Ukraine. A reconnaissance of perceptions
Igor Sviatokum; Alexey Serdyuk; Petrus C. van Duyne
Moldova: Small country – big problem! Corruption and a mono-garchy
Petrus C. van Duyne; Brendan Quirke

Petrus C. van Duyne, Stefano Donati, Jackie Harvey, Almir Maljevic and Klaus von Lampe (Eds.), 406 pages, Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen 2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058504777, original retail price EUR 32.50
Crime, Money and Criminal Mobility in Europe
Petrus C. van Duyne, Stefano Donati, Jackie Harvey, Almir Maljevic and Klaus von Lampe (Eds.), 406 pages, Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen 2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058504777, original retail price EUR 32.50; Duyne, Petrus C. van; Donati, Stefano; Harvey, Jackie; Maljevic, Almir
click here to read the summary of this paper

Pheiffer, M.
Financial Investigations and Crime-Money
Pheiffer, M.

Proksik, Joschka J.
Organised crime in post-war Kosovo: Local concerns vs. international responses?
Proksik, Joschka J.

Quirk, Brendan
Romania and the fight against EU fraud: A Balkan success story?
Quirk, Brendan

Quirke, Brendan
Fraud against European Public Funds
Quirke, Brendan
Economic Crime and Legal Competence in the EU
Quirke, Brendan
Bulgaria and EU Fraud: A Case of Better Late Than Never?
Quirke, Brendan; Doig, Alan
It depends where you stand: Corruption, Turkey and EU accession
Doig, Alan; Quirke, Brendan
OLAF: The watchdog that sometimes barks. But does it always bite?
Quirke, Brendan

Quirke, Brendan J.
Croatia: Fighting EU Fraud: a case of work in progress?
Quirke, Brendan J.

Radu Nicolae
Ethics and systemic corruption: assessing ethics policy of Romanian public administration
Radu Nicolae
Healthcare corruption - patterns and vulnerabilities in Romania
Radu Nicolae
Organised crime and cybercrime in Romania 2
Radu Nicolae

Raets, Sigrid
Betwixt and between: Examining the evolution of the crime-terror nexus
Raets, Sigrid; Janssens, Jelle

Requena Espada, Laura
The profile of a sample of criminal organisations acting in Spain during the last decade
Gimenez-Salinas, Andrea; Requena Espada, Laura; Corte Ibánez, Luis de la

Riccardi, Michele
Opacity of business ownership and the risk of money laundering
Riccardi, Michele; Milani, Riccardo;

Rietrae, Joeb
The 3rd EU anti-money laundering directive. Main issues and intriguing details
Rietrae, Joeb

Rob Hornsby
The Criminal Entrepreneur: a case study of an organised criminal family
Jackie Harvey; Rob Hornsby
Trafficked, smuggled or exploited. Ignore the labels, they all involve abuse
Rob Hornsby; Jackie Harvey; Deborah Booth

Ruggiero, Vincenzo
Cross-border Crime in a Changing Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Vincenzo Ruggiero, Miroslav Scheinost, Wim Valkenburg (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, 2001, Huntingdon, New York, ISBN: 1-56072-966-X, price USD 99,00 (246 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C, van; Ruggiero, Vincenzo ; Scheinost, Miroslav ; Valkenburg, Wim
Afterword: Transnational Crime and Transnational Economies
Ruggiero, Vincenzo

Ruggiero, Vincenzo
Cross-border Crime in a Changing Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Vincenzo Ruggiero, Miroslav Scheinost, Wim Valkenburg (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, 2001, Huntingdon, New York, ISBN: 1-56072-966-X, price USD 99,00 (246 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C, van; Ruggiero, Vincenzo ; Scheinost, Miroslav ; Valkenburg, Wim
Afterword: Transnational Crime and Transnational Economies
Ruggiero, Vincenzo

Rusev, Atanas
European lessons from the Bulgarian Serious Organised Crime Threat Assessment
Rusev, Atanas; Gounev, Philip; Bezlov, Tihomir

Ruyver, B. de
The Need for a Multidisciplinary and Practive Approach to Human Trafficking. Reflections from Two Pilots
Ruyver, B. de; Impe, K. van; Meese, J.

Saar, J?ri
An assessment of prospective changes in cross-border crime after Estonia's accession to the European Union
Markina, Anna; Saar, J?ri

Salinas-Edwards, Michael
``It`s not like Sainsbury`s! We don`t keep stock of anything.`` How drug dealers mitigate risks
Salinas-Edwards, Michael

Saraď Sapulete
Do firearms link organised crime and terrorism in the Netherlands? A Social Network Analysis exploration
Niels van Wanrooij; Saraď Sapulete

Scheinost, Miroslav
Adventure capitalism and economic crime in the countries of transition: the case of the Czech Republic
Scheinost, Miroslav; Baloun, Vladimir; Kaderabkova, Drahuse
Financial crime in the Czech Republic. Some preliminary findings based on case analysis
Scheinost, Miroslav
Financial crime in the Czech Republic: its features and international extension
Baloun, Vladimir; Scheinost, Miroslav
Economy and crime in the society in transition: the Czech Republic case
Baloun, Vladimir; Scheinost, Miroslav
Cross-border Crime in a Changing Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Vincenzo Ruggiero, Miroslav Scheinost, Wim Valkenburg (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, 2001, Huntingdon, New York, ISBN: 1-56072-966-X, price USD 99,00 (246 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C, van; Ruggiero, Vincenzo ; Scheinost, Miroslav ; Valkenburg, Wim
Transnational Organised Crime and Cross-Border Trafficking in Human Beings in the Czech Republic
Scheinost, Miroslav
Some reflexions on researching financial and economic crime
Scheinost, Miroslav
Organised crime in the Czech Republic - legal framework, prosecution and characteristics
Scheinost, Miroslav; Diblikova, Simona
click here to read the summary of this paper
Organised Crime, the Media and the Sentiments of the Public
Scheinost, Miroslav
Organised crime in the country of transition after twenty years
Scheinost, Miroslav
Illegal migration, crime and the public response in the Czech Republic
Scheinost, Miroslav;

Scheinost, Miroslav
Adventure capitalism and economic crime in the countries of transition: the case of the Czech Republic
Scheinost, Miroslav; Baloun, Vladimir; Kaderabkova, Drahuse
Financial crime in the Czech Republic. Some preliminary findings based on case analysis
Scheinost, Miroslav
Financial crime in the Czech Republic: its features and international extension
Baloun, Vladimir; Scheinost, Miroslav
Economy and crime in the society in transition: the Czech Republic case
Baloun, Vladimir; Scheinost, Miroslav
Cross-border Crime in a Changing Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Vincenzo Ruggiero, Miroslav Scheinost, Wim Valkenburg (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, 2001, Huntingdon, New York, ISBN: 1-56072-966-X, price USD 99,00 (246 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C, van; Ruggiero, Vincenzo ; Scheinost, Miroslav ; Valkenburg, Wim
Transnational Organised Crime and Cross-Border Trafficking in Human Beings in the Czech Republic
Scheinost, Miroslav
Some reflexions on researching financial and economic crime
Scheinost, Miroslav
Organised crime in the Czech Republic - legal framework, prosecution and characteristics
Scheinost, Miroslav; Diblikova, Simona
click here to read the summary of this paper
Organised Crime, the Media and the Sentiments of the Public
Scheinost, Miroslav
Organised crime in the country of transition after twenty years
Scheinost, Miroslav
Illegal migration, crime and the public response in the Czech Republic
Scheinost, Miroslav;

Scheinost, Miroslov
European crime markets at cross-roads: extended and extending criminal Europe.Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Almir Maljevic, Klaus von Lampe, Miroslav Scheinost (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers 2008, Nijmegen (NETH), ISBN-13: 978-909-5850-392-3, 400 pages, Price: EUR 27,50 / USD 50.00
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Harvey, Jackie; Maljevic, Almir; Lampe, Klaus von; Scheinost, Miroslov
click here to read the summary of this paper

Schneider, Friedrich
The Financial Flows of Transnational Crime. Some Preliminary Empirical Results
Schneider, Friedrich

Schudelaro, Ton
Electronic Payment Systems and Money Laundering: Beyond the Internet Hype
Schudelaro, Ton

Schulte, Thomas
The Future of Organized Crime: Dealing with Uncertainty
Wagner, Norbert; Boberg, Martin; Beckmann, Uwe; Schulte, Thomas
Criminal Money Management as a cutting Edge between Profit Oriented Crime and Terrorism. Possible developments until the year 2012 and strategic recommendations.
Schulte, Thomas; Boberg, Martin
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Sclafani, Emanuele
Money laundering schemes through real estate markets: A systematic review sector
Sclafani, Emanuele; Lavorgna, Anita

Serduyk, Alexey
Black, grey or white? Finding the new shade of corruption in Ukraine
Markovski, Anna; Serduyk, Alexey

Serdyuk, Alexey
Ukrainian underworld: From street gambling games to the game of politics and big business.
Markovska, Anna; Serdyuk, Alexey
Dysfunctional social institutions as an obstacle to tackle crime: Exploring the dilemma of a good Ukrainian policeman
Markovska, Anna; Serdyuk, Alexey
The normalisation of arms trafficking in times of conflict: the Ukrainian experience
Markovska, Anna; Serdyuk, Alexey;

Sergi, Anna
Mafia and politics as concurrent governance actors
Sergi, Anna
The emergency business. Migrants reception, mafia interests and glocal governance: from Lampedusa to Rome.
Orsini, Giacomo; Sergi, Anna;
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: A research agenda to investigate organised crime in seaports
Sergi, Anna

Siegel, Dina
The `romantics` of the desert. Women smuggling to the Middle East
Siegel, Dina
Russian Organised Crime in Europe
Siegel, Dina

Skinnari, Johanna
The financial management of drug crime in Sweden
Skinnari, Johanna
Swedish international casinos: A nest of organised crime or just a place for ordinary tax cheaters?
Skinnari, Johanna; Korsell, Lars

Skrbec, Jure
The Impact of Corruption on the Rule of Law in Slovenia
Dobovsek, Bojan; Skrbec, Jure

Soudijn, M.R.J.
Law enforcement and money laundering: Big data is coming sector
Soudijn, M.R.J.; Been, W.H.J de

Soudijn, Melvin
Criminal expatriates. British criminals in the Netherlands and Dutch criminals in Spain
Soudijn, Melvin; Huisman, Sander
Brick`s don`t talk. Searching for crime-money in rela estate
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Soudijn, Melvin; Kint, Tessy

Soudijn, Melvin R.J.
A critical approach to trade based money laundering
Soudijn, Melvin R.J.

Spapens, Toine
Illegal trade in protected birds in the Netherlands: Three criminological perspectives
Uhm, Daan van; Spapens, Toine

Spencer, Jon
The illicit movement of people across borders. The UK as a destination country and the disorganisation of criminal activity.
Spencer, Jon
Media constructing organised crime concepts in an extended criminal Europe: Trafficking women for sexual exploitation
Spencer, Jon
click here to read the summary of this paper
Lifting the veil on SOCA and the UKHTC: Policymaking responses to organised crime
Spencer, Jon; Broad, Rose
Flesh and Money. Trafficking in Human Beings (digital edition). Petrus C. van Duyne and on Spencer (eds.), Wolf Legal Publishers, 2011 Nijmegen (NETH) 260 pages, Publised 05-2011, ISBN (softcover): 9789058506559.
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Spencer, Jon
click here to read the summary of this paper

Sproat, Peter
A policy in search of an evidence base and a credible means of implementation?
Doig, Alan; Sproat, Peter

Staring, Richard
Destination unknown? Undocumented youngsters in the Netherlands and the organised crime fallacy
Staring, Richard

Steve Hall
The death of the legitimate merchant? Small to medium-size enterprises and shady decisions in Greece during the financial crisis
Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Steve Hall

Stieranka, Josef
Protecting against money laundering in the Slovak Republic
Stieranka, Josef

Strémy, Tomáš
The Janos-faces of cross-border crime in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Tomáš Strémy, Jackie H. Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Eleven Publishing 2018 Portland (US),ISBN: 978‐94‐6236‐871‐2 (348 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Strémy, Tomáš ; Harvey, Jackie H.; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
VAT fraud committed in the Slovak Republic in context of the European Union
Strémy, Tomáš; Hangáčová, Natália; Kotovský, Martin;

Strémy, Tomáš
The Janos-faces of cross-border crime in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Tomáš Strémy, Jackie H. Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe (eds.), Eleven Publishing 2018 Portland (US),ISBN: 978‐94‐6236‐871‐2 (348 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Strémy, Tomáš ; Harvey, Jackie H.; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Lampe, Klaus von
click here to read the summary of this paper
VAT fraud committed in the Slovak Republic in context of the European Union
Strémy, Tomáš; Hangáčová, Natália; Kotovský, Martin;

Sugman, Katja
Critical analysis of the corpus juris and the green paper from the Slovenian perspective
Sugman, Katja
The developing EU criminal law and the ultima ratio principle
Sugman, Katja; Jager, Matjaz

Svyatokum, Igor
Corruption and oligarchy in Ukraine: The tenacity of a problem
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Svyatokum, Igor

Tilleman, Andre T.A.
Money laundering and the professional sector. Supervision of lawyers and civil-law notaries in the Netherlands - what about professional secrecy?
Tilleman, Andre T.A.

Tjalling J. van Koningsveld 1
The offshore world: nebulous finances
Petrus C. van Duyne; Tjalling J. van Koningsveld 1

Todorova, Milena
Searching for contours of the anti-corruption policy in Serbia
Duyne, Petrus C. van; Todorova, Milena
click here to read the summary of this paper

Toine Spapens
Cannabis cultivation in the Tilburg area: How much money is involved and Where does it go?
Toine Spapens
Cerca Trova: the Italian mafia on Dutch territory
Toine Spapens

Trang, Nyugen
“Government-sponsored crime”: The case of Vietnamese undocumented immigrants in Germany and the UK
Trang, Nyugen

Estimating illicit financial flows resulting from drug trafficking and other transnational organized crimes, UNODC, Vienna, 2011
click here to read the summary of this paper

Uhm, Daan van
Illegal trade in protected birds in the Netherlands: Three criminological perspectives
Uhm, Daan van; Spapens, Toine

Valkenburg, Wim
Cross-border Crime in a Changing Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Vincenzo Ruggiero, Miroslav Scheinost, Wim Valkenburg (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, 2001, Huntingdon, New York, ISBN: 1-56072-966-X, price USD 99,00 (246 pages)
Duyne, Petrus C, van; Ruggiero, Vincenzo ; Scheinost, Miroslav ; Valkenburg, Wim

Valkenburg, Wim E.C.A
Extra and Sneaky Legal Evidence in Cross-Border Investigations
Valkenburg, Wim E.C.A

Vande Walle, Gudrun
The first step to a tailor-made anti-corruption policy for public services: The case of the Flemish customs office
Vande Walle, Gudrun; Dormaels, Arne
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On `Caligula, the `yes-men` and corruption`: Gendering the organisation against corruption
Vande Walle, Gudrun

Vander Beken, Tom
The vulnerability of economic sectors to (organised) crime: The case of the European road freight transport sector
Vander Beken, Tom; Verpoest, Karen; Bucquoye, Annemie; Defruytier, Melanie
Measure for measure. Methodological tools for assessing the risk of organised crime
Vander Beken, Tom; Defruytier, Melanie
Cross-border crime inroads on integrity in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Almir Maljevic, Jackie Harvey, Tom Vander Beken, Klaus von Lamp, (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2010, Nijmegen (NETH), 10th Colloquium, 2010 , 417 pages, Published: 11-2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058505774, original retail price EUR 32,50
Duyne, Petrus C. van ; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Maljevic, Almir; Harvey, Jackie ; Vander Beken, Tom
click here to read the summary of this paper
The vulnerability of economic markets to crime in 2015
Vander Beken, Tom
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Out of step? Mobility of `itinerant crime groups`
Vander Beken, Tom; Daele, Stijn van
The tides of thoughts and policy on the assessment of organised crime in Belgium
Vander Beken, Tom; Janssen, Jelle

Vander Beken, Tom
The vulnerability of economic sectors to (organised) crime: The case of the European road freight transport sector
Vander Beken, Tom; Verpoest, Karen; Bucquoye, Annemie; Defruytier, Melanie
Measure for measure. Methodological tools for assessing the risk of organised crime
Vander Beken, Tom; Defruytier, Melanie
Cross-border crime inroads on integrity in Europe. Petrus C. van Duyne, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Almir Maljevic, Jackie Harvey, Tom Vander Beken, Klaus von Lamp, (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers, 2010, Nijmegen (NETH), 10th Colloquium, 2010 , 417 pages, Published: 11-2010, ISBN (softcover) : 9789058505774, original retail price EUR 32,50
Duyne, Petrus C. van ; Antonopoulos, Georgios A. ; Maljevic, Almir; Harvey, Jackie ; Vander Beken, Tom
click here to read the summary of this paper
The vulnerability of economic markets to crime in 2015
Vander Beken, Tom
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Out of step? Mobility of `itinerant crime groups`
Vander Beken, Tom; Daele, Stijn van
The tides of thoughts and policy on the assessment of organised crime in Belgium
Vander Beken, Tom; Janssen, Jelle

Verhage, Antoinette
The holy grail of money laundering statistics: Input and outcome of the Belgian AML system
Verhage, Antoinette
The beauty of grey? AML as a risk factor for compliance Officers
Verhage, Antoinette

Vermeulen, Gert
New developments in EU policy regarding cross-border crime
Vermeulen, Gert

Verpoest, Karen
The vulnerability of economic sectors to (organised) crime: The case of the European road freight transport sector
Vander Beken, Tom; Verpoest, Karen; Bucquoye, Annemie; Defruytier, Melanie
Organised Crime is... Findings from a cross-national review of literature
Lampe, Klaus von; Dijck, Maarten van; Hornsby, Rob; Markina, Anna; Verpoest, Karen

Vesterhav, Daniel
Measures against money laundering in Sweden: The role of the private sector
Vesterhav, Daniel

Vettori, Barbara
Comparing data sources on organised crime across the EU. A first step towards an EU statistical apparatus
Vettori, Barbara
Going beyond the confiscation of proceeds from organised crime activi-ties: Stripping away ill-gotten gains from corruption in the enlarged Europe
Vettori, Barbara; Zanella, Marco
Safety crimes in the enlarged Europe. Between economic and social drivers
Vettori, Barbara

Vidlička, Sunčana Roksandić
Criminal responsibility of political parties for economic crime: Democracy on test
Vidlička, Sunčana Roksandić; Maršavelski, Aleksandar

Vitek, Jan
Precautionary measures against economic and financial crime in SLovakia
Vitek, Jan

Viuhko, Minna
Rules of the Game: A qualitative study of corruption on the Finnish-Russian border
Viuhko, Minna; Lehti, Martti; Aromaa, Kauko
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Vorm, Benny van der
From organised crime threat to nuisance control
Duyne, Petruc C. van; Vorm, Benny van der
The retribution of the Erinyes: Combatting outlaw motorcycle gangs from the perspective of ‘undermining’ criminality
Vorm, Benny van der; Duyne, Petrus C. van

Vujović, Srđan
Cigarette smuggling at the local level through smugglers’ eyes: How and why?
Vujović, Srđan

Wagner, Norbert
The Future of Organized Crime: Dealing with Uncertainty
Wagner, Norbert; Boberg, Martin; Beckmann, Uwe; Schulte, Thomas

Wanrooij, Niels van
Why do we know so little about illicit trade in cultural goods? An analysis of obstacles to collecting reliable data sector
Batura, Olga; Hoog, Gabriëlle op `t; Wanrooij, Niels van

Whittle, Joseph
Assessing the operation of irregular migration from Eritrea and the smuggling / criminality nexus perspectives
Whittle, Joseph; Antonopoulos, Georgios A.

Wouter de Zanger
Greedy of crime-money. The reality and ethics of asset recovery
Petrus C. van Duyne ; Wouter de Zanger; François H.G. Kristen

Yuliya Zabyelina
Enforcing prohibitions in weak states: Gambling in Ukrain
Anna Markovska; Yuliya Zabyelina

Zanella, Marco
Going beyond the confiscation of proceeds from organised crime activi-ties: Stripping away ill-gotten gains from corruption in the enlarged Europe
Vettori, Barbara; Zanella, Marco

Zavoli, Ilaria
Preventive AML in the UK property market: Inside views from the sector
Zavoli, Ilaria; King, Colin

Zgaga, Sabina
Criminal insolvency abuse in Slovenia
Zgaga, Sabina

susanne Knickmeier
How well established is research on organised crime in Germany?
Klaus von Lampe; susanne Knickmeier


About CCC

The Cross-Border Crime Colloquium is an annual event since 1999. It brings together experts on international organised (economic) crime to discuss the latest developments in empirical research, legislation and law enforcement, with a special geographical focus on Western, Central, and Eastern Europe. The Colloquia aim at building bridges in three respects: between East and West Europe, between scholars and practitioners, and between old and young.
2019Olsztyn, Poland
2021Kongsvinger, Norway (Virtual)
2019Utrecht, the Netherlands
2018Kharkiv, Ukraine
2017Bratislava, Slovakia
2016Newcastle, United Kingdom
2015Prague, Czech Republic
2014Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzeg.
2013Cambridge, United Kingdom
2012Manchester, United Kingdom
2011Tilburg, The Netherlands
2009Ghent, Belgium
2008Beograd, Serbia
2007Prague, Czech Republic
2006Tallinn, Estonia
2005Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzeg.
2004Berlin, Germany
2003Ainring, Germany
2002Ljubljana, Slovenia
2001Bratislava, Slovakia
2000Budapest, Hungary
1999Prague, Czech Republic

The 22nd Cross-border Crime Colloquium will be hosted by the The University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland on 10 and 11 October 2022. We will soon share the agenda and details on how to attend.
For information, please contact
Prof. Dr. Joanna Banach-Gutierrez:
Prof. Dr. Petrus C. van Duyne:

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